Mind Mapping: Illustrating personal connections Ms Mercado Harbor Heights M349
What can mind maps help you do? Locate their level of understanding of content Help organize concepts by creating a map of their relationships Offer a graphic, written representation of a large concept and its relationship to smaller components or related concepts Communicate content understanding without worrying about the challenge of extensive writing
So what is a Mind Map ? A personal map of how ideas and relationships are seen by the individual student Think of an artistic representation of word association Not top down thinking process allery/MindMappingBig.jpg
Creating a mind map 1.Place page horizontally – get your colors ready! 2.Start with a drawing/picture and word in center of page – draw in color! 3.Begin free thinking of ideas that come to mind when you think of that word 4.Draw an extending branch for each large idea and expand the details with smaller branches; each branch is a different color 5.Add a picture, drawing, or symbol representing the idea
Tips for creating a Mind Map Use rich and attractive imagery – minimal text Include a summary in the center a detailed picture with word Pictures and drawings for key ideas Key words or phrases A different color for each branch Symbols/Emblems/precut pictures
Mind Mapping Software Websites (Freeware)
Ideas for assessment… 1.As a pre-assessment for prior knowledge of content area vocabulary/concepts 2.Content-area reading comprehension 3.New concepts and relationship to previous concepts taught 4.As an organizer for an essay or speech presentation 5.As an independent study tool or for preparation for tests 6.Quick check - visual representation and review of concept relationships Of course, you can come up with many more for your specific needs!