Georgia Performance Standards Curriculum Directors Conference September 20, 2006
Standards-Based Instruction What do we want students to know and be able to do? Start with the standards and elements Identify the skills and knowledge Big ideas Enduring understandings Essential questions
Standards-Based Instruction How will we know whether students have acquired the knowledge and skills? Determine acceptable evidence of learning Use a variety of formats – formal (product, test, essay) or informal (observation) Assess continuously Use assessments to make instructional decisions
Standards-Based Instruction What needs to be done to provide students with multiple opportunities to acquire knowledge, skills and understanding? Focus on student success Adjust to meet the needs of the learners, including ELL, SWD, Level 1, Gifted Differentiate instruction
Standards-Based Instruction 1. Focus on standards and elements 2. Use assessments for instructional decisions 3. Provide differentiated learning experiences Make each of these Rigorous & Relevant
Pyramid of Interventions
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) M6A1. Students will understand the concept of ratio and use it to represent quantitative relationships. M8A3. Students will understand relations and linear functions. h. Interpret the constant difference in an arithmetic sequence as the slope of the associated linear function.
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) Stimulate thinking and in-depth learning Provide clear expectations for assessment, instruction, and student work Define “how good is good enough” Identify the skills needed to problem- solve, reason, communicate and make connections
Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) Approved: Math, ELA, Science, Social Studies Career Technical To be developed: Fine Arts and Health/Physical Education
Georgia Performance Standards Frameworks Mathematics Curriculum Maps, Frameworks posted K, 1, 6, 7 Frameworks include: Unit Overview, Enduring Understandings, Essential Questions, Key Standards, Related Standards, Evidence of Learning, Strategies for Teaching, Tasks, Student Work and Commentary Grade 2 in final review; 3 – 5, 8 in writing stages HS Math I by December; Math II in spring
Georgia Performance Standards Frameworks English/Language Arts Standards posted for all grades K-12 Tasks included at grades 9-12 Sample units posted on GSO for grades 4 – 12 – including day-to-day lessons Need student work samples, commentary, additional units, aligned assessments
Georgia Performance Standards Frameworks Science Standards posted K-12 Sample tasks available HS Frameworks to be posted in September Need student work samples, commentary, additional units, aligned assessments PRISM partnership
Georgia Performance Standards Frameworks Social Studies K-12 Standards posted Social Studies training beginning US History and 8 th grade Frameworks will be posted second semester Need units, student work samples, commentary, aligned assessments
Georgia Performance Standards Training Two-year train-the-trainer model Year 1: Training before subject is implemented Curriculum mapping, assessments, units Year 2: Training during year of implementation Student work, teacher commentary, differentiation
Georgia Performance Standards Training Phase I ( and ) ELA K-12 Science 6,7,9-12 Math 6 Phase 2 ( and ) Science 3-5 Math K-2 and 7 Phase 3 ( and ) Science K-2, 8 Math 3-5, 8 SSt 6-12 Phase 4 ( and ) Math 9-12 SSt K-5
GPS Training: On-line Resources Standards Search and Unit Builder Resources aligned to Standards Teaching/learning activities Assessment tools Audio/Video files Interactive instructional websites
Georgia Performance Standards: Next Steps Complete Frameworks/Units in Math, Science, ELA and Social Studies Collect samples of student work and teacher commentary Create aligned assessment items
Georgia Performance Standards: Next Steps Develop on-line resources Webcasts (manipulatives, microscopes) Videos of classroom instruction Links to resource materials Unit builder Printable lists of standards Parent letters Guidelines for reading in content areas Guidelines for enrichment/gifted Resources for administrators, instructional leaders
Georgia Performance Standards: Next Steps Develop on-line training resources for: GPS introductory training information Content information (rubrics, manipulatives) Instructional strategies (differentiation, effective questioning, collaborative teaching for ELL and SWD, gifted)
Georgia Performance Standards: Next Steps Develop GPS for Fine Arts and Health/PE Create interdisciplinary units connecting Career Tech with core academic content Develop curriculum units for Teacher- Student Advisement programs
Georgia Performance Standards: Next Steps Collaborate with business, professional organizations, higher education and other agencies Frameworks and units Online resources Curriculum development Assessments Teacher training Research, surveys, feedback
What questions do you have? What suggestions do you have?
Contacts: Sue Snow (Director) Claire Pierce (Math) Stephen Pruitt (Science) Bill Cranshaw (Social Studies) Christie McCarley (ELA) Alice Smith (Reading)