The NETTEC Program (NEW TEACHER TECHNOLOGY COMPETENCY) NSBA 61 st Annual Conference San Diego, CA March 27, :30 am - 8:45 am Room 1B Queen Anne’s County Public Schools Presented by at
New Teacher Technology Competency Program of Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Church Hill Elementary Kennard Elementary Centreville Elementary Grasonville Elementary Kent Island Elementary Bayside Elementary 7 Elementary Schools 3 Middle Schools 2 High Schools Sudlersville Elementary Sudlersville Middle Centreville Middle Stevensville Middle Queen Anne’s County High SchoolKent Island High School Queen Anne’s County Public Schools
Schools:12 Students: 7231 14.7% increase over past 5 years Staff: Professional and Non-Professional814 New Hires : 1999/ 2000/
The Superintendent’s Initiative “In the immediate future teachers will need to demonstrate a basic level of technology proficiency. Therefore, all newly hired instructors will be assessed, then trained according to predetermined technology competencies.”
ComTek Queen Anne’s County Public Schools Computer Technology Department Hardware Installation and Maintenance Software Installation and Maintenance Data Processing Staff Development Responsibilities of ComTek
…. Assess existing staff development. The first step…..
Already In Place A variety of “How To” workshops Graduate level courses offered through the University of Maryland with focus on - Developing teachers’ proficiency at integrating technology into the curriculum. Using technology to conduct research and assist in professional growth. Using technology to evaluate student progress.
It was decided to build the program upon the University of Maryland’s Tech Teacher Program Graduate level credit given Courses taught in local schools on district equipment with district software University supported instruction
ComTek’s Task Develop assessments to measure current technology skills To plan a training program based on assessed skills and identified competencies. Identify necessary technology competencies
Part I Identification of Competency Levels
Technology Competencies North Carolina Technology Competencies for Educators International Society for Technology Education (ISTE) –National Education Technology Standards for Teachers (NETST) At the time, Maryland had no list of technology competencies for teachers, so the following sources were used
Technology Competencies Grouped Into 4 Levels *Level I - Technology Basics *Level II - Applications and Online Strategies *Level III - Integrating Technology into Instruction *Level IV - Multimedia and Project-Based Learning Minimum acceptable proficiency level: Level III
Goals of Assessment Time limit must be kept to a minimum Must demonstrate familiarity with a variety of applications used within school system Demonstrate the ability to use –Word processing –Internet Demonstrate knowledge of –Technology related terms –Integration of technology into curriculum
Assessment Contains four parts –Identification –Matching –Essay –Internet Search 60 to 90 minutes to complete Determines level of competency Results shared with teacher at follow up conference
From the screen images provided select the letter that best represents the following: _____ A pull down box to change a font style. _____ A word processor application _____ The Paste Button. _____ The Ruler Bar. _____ The Scroll Bar. _____ The Task Bar _____The button you would use to underline text. Identifying Desktop Items and Application Features
Matching This section assesses the teachers ability to recognize and use proper terminology for hardware and software.
Essay Teacher uses a word processor to answer a question about technology integration in the classroom. This portion assesses integration ability as well as word processing skills.
Internet Teacher must complete two internet searches. One search is typically for a specific lesson plan, the other for an article from a reputable news source on a given topic.
Part III Identification of Training Pathways
NETTEC’s “Track Record” *Track 1 - For teachers who need basic software and computer training. *Track 2 - For teachers who have skills in basic computer software but need strengthening in using the computers with their students. *Track 3 - For teachers who demonstrate software competency and have some knowledge of how to use the computer in the classroom to support instruction. *Track 4 - For teachers who demonstrate software competency and have knowledge of how to use the computer in the classroom to support instruction and do not wish to take additional coursework
Assessment Level I Track 1 Track 2 Track 3 New Teacher Technology Training Flow Chart Demonstration of Technology Integration Level II Level IIILevel IV Track 4
Evaluation of Assessment Assessment is evaluated using rubric Individual conference arranged with teacher Individual Training Plan (ITP) developed with teacher John Doe /5 3/4 1/2 Passed level 1 Did not pass level 2
Course Offerings EDUC498CTechnology Basics for Teachers LEVEL 1 EDUC498KComputing in a School Setting LEVEL 2 EDUC498DComputers in the Science Classroom EDUC498EComputers in the Language Arts Classroom EDUC498F Integrating Technology into Mathematics EDUC498LIntegrating Technology into Social Studies EDUC498OAssistive Technology for the Classroom Teacher LEVEL 3 EDUC498AProject Based Classrooms EDUC498BMultimedia in the K-12 Classroom LEVEL 4
Level I Course Basic Technology for Teachers Terminology Hardware Software Operating Systems Basic Operation Word Processing
Level II Course Computers in a School Setting Internet Acceptable use policies Best practices Sampling of educational software Other technologies Spreadsheets Advanced word processing PowerPoint introduced
Level III Courses Integration Into Curriculum Areas Review of existing content software Digital libraries Hands on experimentation Advanced spreadsheets Advanced PowerPoint Online quests and research
Assistive Technology Level III Course Accommodations and assistive devices Low and high tech solutions Sampling of hardware and software devices available
Level IV Courses Multimedia –Digital cameras –Scanners –PowerPoint presentations with Sound and Video –Copyright issues –Best uses of hypermedia in the classroom Project Based Classroom Technology as a tool in –The project approach –Backward mapping –Online quests and research –Evaluation of projects
Demonstrate Integration Within the Classroom All new hires must demonstrate classroom integration as either the project work for a level III course or if assessed at a level III instead of taking the courses
Collaboration with The University of Maryland Davina Pruitt-Mentle Associate Director Educational Technology Outreach
University of Maryland Provides instructors and curriculum materials Arranges lump sum billing of Board of Education for tuition and registration fees
Cost of Program per New Hire One time Registration fee$50.00 Tuition $278.00/credit However … the negotiated agreement already allows for college credit reimbursement $200.00/credit Cost to Board beyond negotiated agreement per new hire: $0.00 (track 4) to $ (tracks ).
Current Status
132 of 144 New Hires Assessed
Enrollment in Classes Offered by Level
Status of the 60 New Hires of 1999/2000
Classes are Also Open to Veteran experiences with technology. Many, who previously have had …
Distribution of 57 Veteran Teachers Taking Classes with New Hires
Technology Proficient Professionals Superintendent’s Initiative NETTEC PROGRAM +