The Light of Nations Isaiah 42:1-9. God’s Servant 1.His Mission (Isaiah 42:1) 2.His Methods (Isaiah 42:2-4) 3.His Source of Power (Isaiah 42:5-6)


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Presentation transcript:

The Light of Nations Isaiah 42:1-9

God’s Servant 1.His Mission (Isaiah 42:1) 2.His Methods (Isaiah 42:2-4) 3.His Source of Power (Isaiah 42:5-6) 4.The Results of His Ministry (Isaiah 42:7) 5.The Reason for His Ministry (Isaiah 42:8-9)

DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.How does God introduce his servant? (Isaiah 42:1) God introduces his servant by saying that he is upholding and delighting in his servant. God has put his Spirit on the servant.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.What is a servant?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.What mission has God given to the servant? (Isaiah 42:1) The servant is charged with bringing justice to the nations.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.How does Isaiah describe the servant? (Isaiah 42:2-3) Isaiah says that the servant: a.Will not raise his voice b.Will not break a bruised reed or snuff out a smoldering wick c.Will faithfully bring forth justice

DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.What do you think that Isaiah meant when by the phrases “bruised reed” and “smoldering wick?”

DISCUSSION GUIDE 6.Describe the servant in your own words.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.What attitudes will not be a part of the life of the servant? (Isaiah 42:4) The servant will not falter or be discouraged.

DISCUSSION GUIDE 8.Why do you think Isaiah included that the islands would put their hope in the law of the servant? What does “hope” mean?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 9.What actions are attributed to God? (Isaiah 42:5) God: a.Created the heavens b.Stretched them out c.Spread out the earth d.Gave breath and life to the people

DISCUSSION GUIDE 10.What did God promise to accomplish through his servant? (Isaiah 42:6-7) God promised: a.To make the servant a covenant for the people and a light to the Gentiles b.To open the eyes of the blind c.To free captives from prison

DISCUSSION GUIDE 11.What causes people to be “blind” to God? What are some things that imprison people today?

DISCUSSION GUIDE 12.What final statements does God make about himself? (Isaiah 42:8-9) God reminds us that he is God. He will not share his glory with anyone or anything. He tells us about future events.

What Can I Do? We can: Pray – We should pray for our missionaries. Our prayers should be much more than just generic prayers. We should ask God for specific things. We should pray for lost friends and ask God for opportunities to share. Learn – We should learn about missions, both in our own area and around the world. We should educate ourselves about specific ministries and missionaries and include their needs in our prayers. Witness – It is the job of every believer to share the good news. Jesus said that himself. Anyone can share his/her own faith story. Go OR Send – We should make ourselves available to God. We should ask him if he would have us go ourselves or give sacrificially to send others who have been called.

1.Am I praying, learning and witnessing as I should? 2.Is God calling me to go or to send? 3.What changes do I need to make in my life to be a more effective witness?