Hedgerow removal and diversity! Presented by Thomas Wright
Hedgerow Removal Hedgerow removal is part of the transition of arable land from low intensity to high-intensity farming. The removal of hedgerows gives larger fields making the sowing and harvesting of crops easier, faster and cheaper, and giving a larger area to grow the crops, increasing yield and profits. Hedgerows serve as important wildlife corridors, especially in the United Kingdom where they link the country's fractured ancient woodland. They also serve as a habitatt for birds and other animals. As the land within a few metres of hedges is difficult to plough, sow, or spray with herbicides, the land around hedges also typically includes high plant biodiversity. Hedges also serve to stabilise the soil and on slopes help prevent soil creep and leeching of minerals and plant nutrients. It also weakens the soil and leads to soil erosion. Hedge row removal happens in order to prevent the hedgerow from competing for light, nutrients and water as this will prevent crop growth. They are also removed to make ploughing and sowing easier across farmers land. Grow more hedgerows across the countryside to make up for damage done.
Diversity Biodiversity or biological diversity is the variation of taxonomic life forms within a given ecosystem, biome or for the entire Earth. Biodiversity is often a measure of the health of biological systems to indicate the degree to which the aggregate of historical species are viable versus extinct. Rainforests are among the most biodiverse ecosystems on earth Hedge rows will naturally grow across the environment although thy are now being replaced by walls as this is something that will reduce competition for crops in nearby fields.