Mystic Journey
Others march to flags down on 8 and sit by flags, up flags in Rt. Hand down Solo Dance to Flag 8 down up on Circle both poles in hand spin “8” (2) backscratchers Lt to Rt swing in Rt. Hand& side down
Hold 32 both poles in hand 1-4 Coffee stir 5-8 cowboy (overhead) 9-16 back scratcher rt. Swing DD butterfly down in front of body
Move 64- Guard from 2 lines into the band, around,& back 1-2 open flags 3-5 Rt. Face circle 6-8 Lt. Face circle 9-16 go up crisscross on 12 down flags to Rt. Shoulder height, Lt Rainbow cowboy hold down “V” Rt. Arm full circle Lt arm Repeat figure “8”
Hold Rt. Coffee stir then Lt “Z”: 9-10 lt. up, rt. Up, Lt. down, Rt. Down center down put both in one hand Back scratcher cowboy turn separate poles
Move 40: 2 lines into the band, then around band Both arms out, 3-4 half way, 5-6 V high, 7-8 crisscross, 9-10 V, half, down V, down crisscross, out hold (2) cowboy (2) coffee stirs angel wing up 37 out, 38 up, 39 down, hold 40
Others:1-8 Sit Rt leg out Lt. knee bent. Arm movements 9-16 rainbow, arms out crisscross, rt circle, lt circle, rt. Arm in, lt arm in up flags down Solo Dance Leap 8-12 spin toss Circle Rt. Hand spin point toes “8” (2) backscratchers Lt to Rt swing in Rt. Hand & side down
Move 16: 2 lines into band, then around Both arms out, 3-4 half way, 5-6 V high, 7-8 crisscross, 9-10 V, half, down V, down crisscross 1-2 out 3-8 figure “8” 9-16 figure “8” on 16 Lt pole pops up making diagonal with arms.