1 WHITE PAPER & DEFENCE REVIEW “Defence Update 2004” Portfolio Committee on Defence 12 October 2004
2 Portfolio Committee on Defence 17 August 2004
3 The Portfolio Committee on Defence (PCD) was briefed on 17 August 2004, and ameliorated the DOD’s initial approach. –The PCD felt that the existing WP&DR should not be redrafted, as they are robust and are adequate baseline documents for defence policy. –Nevertheless, there is a need for an update of some aspects of the WP&DR, as well as ensuring some alignment matters are dealt with. The PCD required the DOD to produce one clear, concise, consolidated, report of about 30 to 35 pages covering the challenges facing Defence and the strategies that should be pursued to meet these challenges. At the present moment, this work lies on the programme of the PCD, but may shift to the programme of the Joint Standing Committee on Defence (JSCD) after its establishment.
4 Some of the topics/ challenges that should be addressed include: –The strategic and political environment (changing issues, developments, and responses to those changes). –Unilateral approaches to pursuing peace and security, the unilateral use of economic force, and the corresponding threat to multilateralism; –The illegitimate use of force by states and non-state forces; –An understanding of Human Security appropriate for South Africa’s defence; –The expanding nature of secondary roles and functions; especially peacekeeping and external deployments related to promoting peace and security. –Must examine the Defence MTEF framework and address unfunded mandates arising from (inter alia) our international commitments.
5 Drafting of the Defence Update 2004 Design Architecture
6 TITLE:DEFENCE 2014 FOREWORD(By the Minister of Defence) INTRODUCTION –The Introduction of the Defence Update 2004 will firstly articulate briefly the need for an update to the existing White Paper 1996 (WP). –Accordingly, it will speak to the timing for the update (i.e. tens years after) and highlight the changes outside, as well as inside, South Africa that necessitates an update (such as the establishment of the African Union (AU) and the rise of new security threats). –Secondly, the Introduction sketches the structure of the Defence Update 2004 i.e. the thematic areas of focus and contents contained within the various chapters. –Thirdly, the Introduction must highlight very briefly the challenges, implications and recommendations that are underscored in the constituent chapters. –Finally the introduction must outline the methodology employed in the update process.
7 CHAPTER ONE:CHANGED STRATEGIC ENVIRONMENT (Draft No 4 Completed) One of the primary reasons for the Defence Update 2004 is the changing nature of the external environment. Since the 1996 WP, the international strategic and security environment has shifted quite dramatically. A range of non-traditional security threats, new actors, and non-conventional methods of destabilisation and destruction confront our contemporary world. Subsequently, some of the previous policy positions and approaches about national defence and security require updating. This part of the update will also be based on Government’s security and foreign policy objectives. Accordingly, this chapter will be structured having the following sections.
8 –The Global Context: This section speaks to the changes in the international environment that has implications for world peace and security, such as the rise of international terrorism. It further identifies trends that inform the strategic environment. –The Continental Context: This section of the chapter is a new input (as compared to the 1996 WP) that reflects changes in our continent, especially from an institutional perspective in the search for peace, stability and development. Accordingly, the inauguration of the AU and its concomitant structures such as the Peace and Security Council (PSC), the African Standby Force (ASF); and the implications for the DOD, needs to be discussed in this section. –The Regional Context: This section discusses developments in the past ten years regarding regional defence and security co-operation, the required institutions and mechanisms, and their implications for our defence policy and department. These institutions and mechanisms include the SADC- OPDSC and the SADC Mutual Defence Pact, among others. –The Domestic Context: This section looks inward to review changes from a national perspective and its implications for the DOD and its policies. In other words, it provides an examination of the posture and orientation of Government policy, the national security policy, and the role of the DOD in fulfilment thereof.
9 CHAPTER TWO:COLLECTIVE SECURITY (Draft No 6 Completed) This chapter firstly contextualises the contents within the concept of security, its broadened conceptualisation (which places emphasis on a human security approach), and the governmental approach to security as envisaged by Cabinet, the IRPS and JCPS Clusters, the Ten Review and the Final Report of the UN Human Security Commission. Secondly, the chapter will exemplify South Africa’s foreign security policy of pursuing multilateral approaches to peace and security and conflict resolution, be it at an international, continental or regional level. Accordingly, South Africa’s (and by implication the DOD’s) role and involvement in security mechanisms at these different levels, need to be analysed. As such the role South Africa has played in the last ten years (and will continue playing) within mechanisms such as the SADC-OPDSC, the AU-PSC and ASF, and the UN Standby arrangements, will be explored in this chapter. Finally, this chapter outlines the fundamental features of South Africa’s defence diplomacy. Of equal significance are international conventions relating to arms control and non-proliferation matters, international humanitarian law, terrorism and other matters, that have been acceded to and ratified by South Africa.
10 CHAPTER THREE: ROLE AND FUNCTIONS (Draft No 4 Completed) The purpose of this chapter is to explain the expanding roles and functions of the DOD / SANDF as shaped by its external defence policy and commitments. Furthermore this chapter will articulate the changing dynamics of the role and functions of the DOD / SANDF as influenced by the strategic environment, such as peacekeeping and contribution to the SADC Brigade of the ASF. As such it would speak to the Military Strategic Objectives and the Mission Based Approach thereof (which categorises homogonous groupings of tasks into missions). It will provide alternative approach to the rigid “primary & secondary” concepts in the 1998 Defence Review. This chapter would also provide an understanding of the challenges and implications in performing these expanding and changing roles and functions. In addition chapter three examines the Force Design and Structure of the SANDF, and the costed and affordable design aligned with budgetary realties, and the organisational structure. This chapter accordingly provides a determination of capabilities required to fulfil new Roles and Functions.
11 CHAPTER FOUR:DEFENCE GOVERNANCE (Draft No 7 Completed) A chapter on Defence Governance would basically entail moving beyond chapter two on Civil-Military Relations in the 1996 WP. This chapter will firstly reflect the challenges of the DOD structure (in terms of the distinction between the functions of the Defence Secretariat and the Chief SANDF), that have arisen since the inception of these structures. Secondly it will articulate the management and policy decision making processes that are regulated by the practices of Integrated Governance and the Cluster System; the Defence finance and budgetary considerations that are informed by the Regulatory Framework of the PFMA; the Defence Act of 2002; and the Public Service Act.
12 CHAPTER FIVE:DEFENCE RESOURCES This Chapter will address the resource requirements of the defence intent contained in Chapters 1 to 3. The WP&DR where developed at the same time as the budget reforms of the MTEF where being developed. The envisaged changes to the White Paper & Defence Review must ensure reasonable alignment of strategy with resources and funding and achieve a consensus on the related risks. Required tangible resources such as the land, buildings, equipment, inventories, personnel, information and other resources exist through prior investment or through deliberate investment through the Defence Vote. The Chapter will accordingly speak to the challenges that emanates from these issues.. This chapter further looks at the departmental policies regarding human resources (such as Human Resource 2010), ICT Strategy of the DOD, and policy and challenges concerning Reserves and Veterans.
13 The Chapter will propose a funding model in which risk-based capabilities are funded and readiness levels are determined by levels of funding. Finally the chapter comments on Defence Matèriel Resources to indicate challenges in capacity to fulfil expanded and new responsibilities.
14 CHAPTER SIX: CHALLENGES, RISKS AND IMPLICATIONS Flowing from the above chapters significant challenges, risks and implications for the DOD’s capabilities can be identified. For example, after exploring the expansion of secondary functions, the Defence Update 2004 will articulate capacity challenges and future requirements to fulfil this role.