1 Politecnico delle Marche, 20 maggio 2005 Giulio BARBOLANI di MONTAUTO, Director General’s Cabinet in Brussels Building together a European Space Policy.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Politecnico delle Marche, 20 maggio 2005 Giulio BARBOLANI di MONTAUTO, Director General’s Cabinet in Brussels Building together a European Space Policy

2 Introduction: ESA purposes, programmes, budgets and industrial policy ESA/EU cooperation the beginning step forward state of the art latest development Comment and conclusions Presentation’s structure

3 ESA was formed in 1975 as an independent European space agency replacing the satellite and launcher organisations ESRO and ELDO It has today 17 Member States The purpose of ESA An inter-governmental organisation with a mission to provide and promote – for exclusively peaceful purposes – the exploitation of Space science, research & technology Space applications ESA achieves this through: Space activities and programmes Long term space policy A specific industrial policy Coordinating the European space programmes by progressively integrating national programmes International cooperation Introduction

4 ESA Programmes All Member states participate in activities and a common set of programmes related to the Space science mandatory programme In addition, Member states chose the level of participation in optional programmes: Human space flight Microgravity research Earth observation Telecommunications Satellite navigation Launcher development Introduction

5 ESA Budgets Total budget for ,32 Meuro Space science - mandatory - 14% Human space flight - optional - 16% Microgravity - optional - 3% Telecommunications - optional - 7% Satellite navigation - optional -12% Launcher development - optional -17% etc. Introduction

6 ESA Industrial policy About 90% of ESA’s budget is spent on contracts with European industry Industrial policy objectives: Ensure that all Member States participate in an equitable manner corresponding to their financial contribution Improve the world-wide competitiveness of European industry Maintain and develop space technology Encourage the development of an industrial structure appropriate to market requirements, making use of existing industrial potential of all Member States Introduction

7 Cooperation between ESA and the European Commission started at programmatic level with the joint initiatives on satellite navigation: EGNOS programme GALILEO programme Lessons learned: Very different decisional process in the two institutions Difficulties in combining financial sources (including private funding) and rules Management vis-à-vis industry in the development phase Need to explore new/unusual management solutions: agreement between ESA and EC, creation of a Joint Undertaking, agreement between the GALILEO Joint Undertaking and ESA ESA/EU cooperation, the beginning

8 The experience on satellite navigation boost the interest of the European Commission on space applications and highlighted the need of an institutional cooperation to set-up a space policy and a space programme: Green Paper (public consultation of needs and requirements) and White Paper (policy orientations) on a European Space Policy in cooperation with ESA; Framework agreement ESA/European Community as the implementing instrument; Joint ESA/EU Space Council - November ; New competence in the Constitutional Treaty, articles I- 14 (par. 3) et III-254 Step forward

9 EC White Paper European Commission White Paper on European Space Policy is a very ambitious document proposing the implementation of an extended policy to support the EU policy goals, more demand-driven programmes to support a faster economic growth, job creation and industrial competitiveness, enlargement and cohesion, sustainable development and security and defence. These ambitions require an increase in overall expenditure to develop and deploy applications and to support the R&D, technology and infrastructures within a multi-annual European Space Programme (Commissioner Busquin referred to “double the public investments for space in Europe during the period 2003/2013”). Step forward

10 European Community/ESA framework agreement Adopted by EU and ESA respective Councils, this agreement is regulating their cooperation. Two main aims: coherent and progressive development of an overall European Space Policy, which will specifically seek to link the demand for services and applications with the supply of space systems and infrastructures necessary to meet that demand establish the appropriate operational arrangements for an efficient cooperation between the two institutions fully respecting their institutional settings Step forward

11 In this frame, a joint EC/ESA secretariat is assisting the High-level Space Policy Group composed by the representatives of 27 EU Member States plus Canada. The HSPG approved the “First orientations on the preparation of the European Space Programme” and the joint EU/ESA Space Council in November 2004 endorsed these orientations. Next Space Council will be in June 2005 and the joint secretariat has already proposed to the HSPG the structure of the European space programme, the allocation of roles and responsibilities and the programmatic priorities. State of the art

12 Latest development Since November 2004, the new Commission (Barroso) is on duty and a reorganisation of Commissioner’s portfolio and competences within the Commission’s services took place: now space competences are not belonging anymore to Research but to Enterprise and Industry. The budget assumptions made by the Commission Barroso concerning space activities are more modest despite the ongoing flagging of high political and programmatic ambitions on space issues.

13 Latest developments Commission’s budget assumptions Two main sources of funding for space: FP7 which should fund research mainly for the GMES programme (earth observation) and for the GALILEO’s second generation (R&D) TEN programme which should fund the Commission share over the Galileo Programme Another limited source of funding could be the Competitiveness Programme but the envisaged Space ad hoc budget line regrouping all space activities (including contribution to space infrastructure) seems to be withdrawn but still discussed within the European Parliament.

14 Framework for building up a European Space Policy Implemented by a European Space Programme 1. Structure EU, Member states and ESA implement the European Space Policy through the European Space Programme Policy level Programmatic level ESA-led activities: - Exploration - Access to space - Science - Space technologies EU-led activities : - Space exploitation: applications - Galileo (TEN + FP7 ) - GMES (FP7) -Communication systems Member States support to EU and ESA activities Definition of the overall European Space Policy in consultation with all stakeholders EU contribution via FP7 to ESA- led activities: - Space exploration - Space science (ISS) - R&D for access to space ESA contribution to EU-led and other-led activities: - Preparatory activities for space exploitation - applications Nationally-led and other activities DRAFT

15 2. EU Priorities a) FP 7 EU-led activities Space exploitation: applications - flagship: GMES - other: Communication systems (integration with mobile and terrestrial systems) EU contribution -Space exploration -Science in space (e.g. ISS utilisation) -R&D for access to space b) Outside FP 7, esp. TEN EU-led activities -flagship: Galileo (TEN) -GMES (exploring a Joint Undertaking) EU Framework for building up a European Space Policy DRAFT

16 3. Possible other EU contributions Through FP7 Other Thematic priorities Galileo (via “transport research”) Space research infrastructures (via “capacities”): microgravity, EO databases, astronomical observatories Accompanying measures (via “people” and “capacities”): education, international cooperation Through Competitiveness and Innovation programme Critical technologies, Technology transfer and specific SMEs measures, data archiving and dissemination EU Framework for building up a European Space Policy DRAFT

17 ESA Framework for building up a European Space Policy 4. ESA priorities ESA led activities Access to space Exploration and ISS Space Science Earth Sciences Technology (incl. Telecoms technology) ESA contribution to EU and other-led activities Navigation (GALILEO, EGNOS, future navigation) GMES Satellite communications Meteorology DRAFT

18 5. National and other priorities National and other framework for building up a European Space Policy Text to be added in the full programme proposal on basis of Member states input DRAFT

19 Comments and conclusions The Commission proposal for FP7 will annually allocate for space activities (R&D) not more than 10% of the annual budget of the European Space Agency. The other budget lines, such as CIP, will allocate few more ten Meuro. Despite the White Paper, the ongoing declaration about the new space competences of the EU, the importance of space applications to reach Lisbon’s strategy goals, the financial means look, by far, inadequate. The European Parliament, in the frame of the co-decision procedure for the financial perspectives 2007/2013, is supporting the creation of a specific budget line for space accordingly with the new competences but, for the time being, the equation ambitions versus means is not solved.