“Cyberdéfense” A French view on cyberwarfare S. TAILLAT CREC-ST CYR
Toward “Cyberdéfense” 2008: White Paper on Defense and National Security : DCSSI-ANSSI (National Agency for Information Systems Security) : reorganization of Computer Networks Defense inside MoD 2013: White Paper on Defense and National Security 2014: “Pacte Défense Cyber” (Cyber initiative by MoD)
A French view of cyberspace Ensuring French sovereignty on data and networks Protecting critical infrastructure: OIV and the public-private partnership Deterrence
Cyberspace and military operations From LID to LIO Cyber supporting conventional operations ◦Intelligence ◦Aggression ◦Influence Operating in Cyberspace ◦Acquiring Knowledge ◦Securing Freedom of Maneuver in Cyberspace ◦Attacking through neutralization/destruction and influence