How do you land a rover on Mars? Collaboration Challenge
First Things First Determine mission. Raise funds for project. Design and build rover including instrumentation. Test rover. Design and build rocket. Design and build Entry, Descent and Landing (EDL) system. Design and build system to communicate with the rover. Map course to Mars. Communicate with public about mission.... “Thanks to countless and demanding hours of effort from a workforce of thousands of people.”
MSL Launch: Nov. 26, 2011
Cruising: Trip from Earth to Mars = over 300 million miles Takes about 36 weeks (254 days) Landing Date: August 6, 2012
EDL Begins when the spacecraft reaches the Martian atmosphere about 75 miles above the surface. Ends with rover safely on the surface. Autonomous entry sequence takes spacecraft from 13,000 mph to 1.7 mph in 6:30 minutes.
3 Ways to Land on Mars ndex.cfm?v=46 ndex.cfm?v=46
Spirit and Opportunity’s Landing
Curiosity’s Landing
Pros/Cons AirbagSky Crane
Why they changed the landing Curiosity is too big (over 2,000 lbs.) for an airbag-assisted landing. First use of “soft-landing” technique with the sky crane. Wanted more precision in landing area. Ready to roll! – during the lowering of the rover, the front mobility system will be deployed.
Your Challenge With your team and the materials provided: 1.Design a landing system to slow down and cushion the fall of your “rover” (an uncooked egg). 2.Test your landing system with a plastic egg in your assigned classroom. 3.You can only use the supplies provided but you do not need to use all of them. 25 minutes to design and test
Landing! Each team will release their landing system from the top of the track bleachers. Goal #1: land rover/egg without it breaking. Goal #2: land as close to target as possible.
Supplies 6 pieces of paper 6 paper towel sheets 1 roll of tape 1 gallon-size Ziploc bag 1 piece of string 1 pair of scissors 1 drinking cup 1 square foot of bubble wrap 1 helium balloon 1 plastic egg 1 real, uncooked egg (will be given to you outside)
Don’t forget your collaboration skills