Overview Common Misconceptions Defining Evolution & key words How the science of evolution developed. Geological Theories Darwin & the Galapagos Islands
Common Misconceptions of Evolutionary Science Deals with the Origins of Life: Evolution deals with the origins of species. Its concerns are not just about humans (but all species) Its Only a Theory: Evolution is a scientifically proven fact of life. Direct observation It is intend to undermine religion or disprove a higher power. Evolution is neutral God is neither eliminated or required. It was discovered by Charles Darwin. Darwin along with many other scientists developed ideas and gathered evidence to support an idea that had been around far before Darwin was ever born.
What? Evolution: the process of biological change. How a species ancestors differ from their descendants. A new species arises from earlier species through accumulated changes.
Why? Evolution is NOT a theory it is a fact. Been discussed and analyzed scientifically for almost 300 years. Evidence based research Observed in nature
Who? Create a chart: NameYear of Birth – DeathContributions 3 x 8 LeaveSpaceAbove ForMoreDefinitions!
About the 17 th & 18 th Centuries Scientists started to challenge the ideas of Ancient Greece. 1600s consensus belief of the earth creation. Belief in witchcraft and magic declined (last execution in 1685). First steam engine: 1712 Land ownership translated to wealth Both boys & girls went to separate schools. Girls emphasized on “accomplishments” like embroidery or music rather than academics. John Hunter revolutionizes medicine. Invents the tracheotomy. Mr. Wilson was born: 1756…..?
Carolus Linnaeus Developed classification system. Groups by physical similarities. Still in use by scientists today. “binomial nomenclature” Proposed hybridization: crossing of species. Species: Group of organisms so similar to one another that they can reproduce.
Georges Buffon French naturalist Proposed species shared ancestors. Rejected belief that earth was only 6000 years old. This style…totally coming back!
Erasmus Darwin English doctor/poet Proposed all living things descended from a common ancestor. Grandson Charles expanded upon this. Considered different mechanisms of evolution.
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck French Naturalist Believed all organisms evolved towards “perfection.” Didn’t believe in extinction. Change in environment caused changes in organisms. “Inheritance of acquired characteristics”
Brain Break Did you know: If you chew a unsalted cracker for long enough it turns sweet? Laughter was originally used by early man to let others know that danger was thwarted? In an average lifespan you will walk the distance around the equator 5 times.
Georges Cuvier Big player in developing evidence about the real age of the Earth. Used geologicalevidence to support his theories. Different layersof rock had different characteristics. Differing fossils. Lead to theory of catastrophism.
Catastrophism Defined: natural disasters have happened often during Earth’s history that lead to species becoming extinct. Cuvier’s fossils.
James Hutton Geologist Proposed change in landforms resulted over a long period of time. Principle of gradualism. Canyons, soil, changing rock shape
Charles Lyell Published theory of uniformitarianism. Earth’s shape has been changed uniformly through time. Observed changes on small scale & inferred that they must happen on a larger scale. Replaced catastrophism as favored theory of geographic change.
Charles Darwin 1831 Set sail on HMS Beagle from England to map coast of South American and the Pacific Islands. Spent much time recording observations on shore. Galapagos Islands observations. Was struck by the variations he found.
Key Definitions Variation: difference in the physical traits of an individual from those of other individuals within the same group. Adaptation: A feature that allows an organism to better survive in its environment.
Species Adaptations
Back to Darwin Observed fossil evidence similar to species still alive. Made connection that they could have a relationship. Fossil evidence meant earth had to be greater than 6000 years old. Observed marine animal fossils high in mountains. Eventually his research lead to the development of his writings on natural selection.
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