Detector Studies in Asia T.Tauchi, Prague Ecfa/Desy Workshop Session on Detector Plenary Reports Sunday, 17 November 2002
Configuration of the JLC detector
Interaction Region and fast feedback system
VTX detector design Baseline design –|cos | < 0.90 –Pixel size 25 m –1.25cm x 5cm x 330 m –4Layers with 10 deg tilt ( r=24,36,48,60 mm) ( Ladder 16/24/32/40) (Sensor 2/3/4/5) –Intrinsic resolution 4 m (Just for a simulation input ) N.Tamura, G.Iwai, K.Fujiwara, H.Takayama; Niigata University Y.Sugimoto, A.Miyamoto ; KEK T. Aso ; Toyama National College of Maritime Technology K.Abe ; Tohoku Gakuin Univ.
VTX/CCD status and future plans Goal --- CCD operation at room temperature Radiation hardness : No problem, so far. –But, further investigation is necessary. Electrons => Higher energy must be studied experimentally. ( Experiment will be conducted in this December, E e =100MeV. ) Neutrons => Yield of neutron is ambiguous ( beam dump ) ( Reliable simulation with precise geometry, JUPITER) Spatial resolution : < 3 m at -15 o C. –More investigation of charge sharing property improve resolution? ( Laser scanner test at Niigata Univ. with 2x2 m 2 spot.) Readout electronics: Evaluating –Study the effect of fast readout(20MHz) for irradiated samples Evaluation of thinned device –Partially thinned CCD (Shoji-structure).. N.Tamura, Japan-UK meeting, Nov.2002
H. Park, Y.J. Kim, D.H. Shim (CHEP, Kyungpook National Univ.) J.M. Yang, I.H. Park, M.Y. Kim, N.H. Park (Ewha Womans Univ.) J.S. Kang, B.Y. Han, G.B. Yu, H.C. Ha (Korea Univ.) 5 layers at r=9 to 37 cm angular coverage |cos |<0.9 spatial resolution = 40 m thickness of a layer: 0.6% radiation length without background hits with background hits Efficiency Purity Efficiency Purity No IMT 71.6% 72.5% 71.1% 73.3% With IMT 91.7% 94.4% 90.2% 94.1% For e + e - -> hZ at E cm =300GeV Intermediate Tracker Linking performance of VTX to CDC
Central Tracker (CDC) Jet type chamber with long wires (3.1(4.6)m) at B=3 (2)T Momentum resolution: (1/p t )=3 (1) x /(GeV/c) z (stereo wires)=1mm, 2track (r )=2mm, t =2nsec AVU AVU AVU A KEK, Kinki University, Mindanao State University, Tokyo University of Agriculture & Technology, University of Tsukuba
CDC Performances mm track separation efficiencySpatial resolution Momentum resolution CDC: Pt /P t =3 x P t (GeV/c) CDC+VTX: Pt /P t =0.9 x P t (GeV/c)
Calorimeter KEK, Kobe, Konan, Niigata, Shinshu and Tsukuba Tile/Fiber Sampling Calorimeter Hardware Compensation Design Flexibility Reasonable cost Well-established thechnology Sufficient granularity for EMCAL ? Scintillator tiles of 5 x 5
CAL: Basic Parameters
R & D on EMCAL and SHmax EMCAL : Scint. tile of 4cm x 4cm x 1mm t (4cm is limited by fiber curvature) Scint.strip of 1cm x 20cm x 2mm t fine granularity crossed-strip layout like Shmax needs multi-channel photo detectors ghost-rejection capability (full simulation ) SHmax: Scint.strip of 1cm x 20cm x 1cm t WLS fiber+multi-channel photon detector high-gain APD attached directly at the end of Scint. strip Scint. Tile with WLS fiber Scint. Strip with WLS fiber
Beam Tests of EMCAL EMCAL 1) Tile of 4cm x 4cm (7.1X o ) 2) Strip Arrays (x,y) of1cm-width Sub-system R&D a) SHmax:direct-attached APD and WLS-readout. b) Super-multi-channel photo -detectors. Present status and future plans 1st exp. just finished on Nov.14 for 1(partial), 2, and a. 2nd exp in November 2003 with 1(full) and b. Y. Fujii for ECFA-DESY at Prague, 2002-Nov-17 Setup of beam test at KEK- 2
SHmax (conventional & direct-APD)
JSF, A.Miyamoto
JSF interactive, A.Miyamoto
R view of VTX CDC 10 layers 36~108cells / layer 5 wires / layer r wire =15 m Event display of e + e - → Z 0 h E = 350GeV T.Aso JUPITER figures
Simulation of Beam Delivery System Geometry codes are generated from a SAD file for FFIR optics Particle transportation from the entrance of FF to IP have been confirmed using Geant4 University of Tokyo
Support tube R&D H. Yamaoka, 5th ACFA-LC workshop July , 2002
Support tube R&D status
H. Yamaoka, 5th ACFA-LC workshop July , 2002 Support tube R&D : Test conf. 4 Conf.3 Conf.4
Near Future Plans VTX:Radiation (bulk damage) test by 100MeV e’s fast electronics (20MHz) IMT: prototype manufacturing and test CDC: Investigation of wire creeping evaluation of performance by full simulation CAL: EM-CAL(4cm tile & 1cm strip) beam test SHMAX(1cm x 20cm x 1cm t / fiber) beam test granularity and energy resolution studies IR:Optimization of L* ( 3 ~4.3m) and BDS Background study with a fast feedback system prototype study on the support tube (nm stability) Software: JSF development (C++ language) ( JUPITER for full simulation based on GEANT4) Comprehensive evaluation of detector performance “Roadmap”Symposium will be held on 15 February,2003.