Xspress3 Tests Dec-2014 Comparisons of: GSE ME-4 Vortex, 350um thick sensor, older pre-amp. APS ME-4 Vortex, 1000um thick sensor, newer ASIC pre-amp. using Quantum Xspress3 Electronics, Epics version Beam Conditions: APS, running in 324 bunch mode (271.5kHz x 324 = 88 MHz) GSECARS, 13-ID-E, Si(111) Mono, 21.5 keV nominal spot size: 2 x 5 m Samples: SRM-1833 NIST reference standard (Ti, Fe, Zn, Pb) AXO RF-4 reference standard (Ca, Fe, Cu, Pb, Mo, La) PbMoO4 (wulfenite) crystal Analyses made: Change incident flux, detector distance, measure spectra
Xspress3 Tests Dec-2014 PbMoO4: 1mm Asic, not DTC, 3 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 200 kHz spectra Even at 3 MHz the spectra are useful, if somewhat broadened. At 1 MHz, peaks are pretty well resolved.
Xspress3 Tests Dec-2014 PbMoO4: 1mm Asic, not DTC, 3 MHz, 2 MHz, 1 MHz, 200 kHz spectra
Xspress3 Tests Dec-2014 PbMoO4: Compare thinner Vortex with thicker Vortex, both at 1.3 MHz (DTC ) Thicker detector is definitely better at higher energies.
Xspress3 Tests Dec-2014 AXO RF-4 thin film standard: Mo concentration is 1.3 ng /mm2 highest I0 flux gave 800 KHz (no DTC) With a 2 x 5 m beam, there are ~13 femtograms of Mo in the beam. Mo Ka
Xspress3 Tests Dec-2014 Mo XAFS at Mo K-edge on AXO RF-4 thin film standard: Mo concentration is 1.3 ng /mm2, so total mass measured ~ 15 fg. Mo Ka counts: ~25 kHz total, and ~5 kHz net, on top of a ~1.2 MHz total count rate per channel (not DTC), using 1mm thick Vortex. 1 second per point, sum of 3 working channels.
Xspress3 Maps Zn uptake in wheat: XRF map of Zn in wheat grass (Enzo Lombi, S. Australia, et al) 15 mm x 3 mm, mapped at 10 micron resolution, 10 msec per pixel (3.5 hours) Zn Mn (red), Zn (blue)