A mutiny of Indian troops, stationed near Delhi Results: 1. British and Indian attitudes changed towards British rule of India. 2. Year long resurrection. 3. Dissolution of the British East India Company 4. Beginning of British Raj, when Great Britain ruled India directly.
1921 The world watched as Ireland finally became established as the Republic of Ireland.
London trained lawyer, Hindu religion Worked in Africa for the rights of Indians Indians in South Africa no citizenship rights Developed satyagraha, meaning “Truth Force” (nonviolent protest technique) Returned to India in 1914 (WWI) 1919: Protest fired upon by British troops: 379 people killed Gandhi led boycotts, encouraged people to stop paying taxes.
1930 Salt was illegal unless purchased through a (British) government supplier, thus keeping the price very high. Gandhi and his followers went on a 250 mile march to the seaside village of Dandi. He and 60,000 others were arrested; peaceful protest was an example for the world.
India supported the Allies.
Great Britain granted independence to India, almost 100 years after the Sepoy Rebellion.