You are creating a poster and will present it to the class to teach everyone about your topic Write large and legible and explain yourself clearly and concisely
DENSITY PG Review definitions on poster: arithmetic, physiological, agricultural Explain how each density is found and use different countries in examples Why do geographers use this? (think which one is where and which one is why?) What are things that people do to affect these densities?
DEMOGRAPHICS (1) pg Review CBR, CDR, NIR…give examples using numbers Explain the NIR of the last decade and century Explain why the smallest increase and decrease in the NIR can cause drastic changes in the population Explain doubling time Explain the connection between crude birth rate and doubling time…what happens if CBR changes?
DEMOGRAPHICS (2) pg Explain total fertility rate (TFR) Explain the difference between crude birth rate (CBR) and total fertility rate What is TFR for world? LDC’s? MDC’s? Explain infant mortality rate (IMR), where are they highest? Why does CBR go up along with IMR? Explain life expectancy, what do these say about a country’s development? Why do some developed countries has high CDR’s?
STAGE 1 DTM pg. 58 Explain what the Demographic Transition Model is Explain movement through stages (not too specific!) Explain characteristics of stage 1 What caused such low growth? How has food impacted growth? Draw stage 1 section of the model on your poster
STAGE 2 DTM pg Explain characteristics of stage 2 Explain Europe and North America’s growth to stage 2, when and why? Share some historical statistics When and what caused the growth in Africa, Asia, and Latin America? Give some medical breakthrough examples Draw Stage 2 section of the model on your poster
STAGE 3 DTM pg. 59 What happens to move a country into stage 3? Compare CDR in stage 3 to CDR in stage 2 Explain “the gap” Explain stage 3 in the regions the book lists Explain how changes in social customs caused changes in CDR and CDR? Draw Stage 3 section of the model on your poster
STAGE 4 DTM pg Explain characteristics of Stage 4 and zero population growth How does total fertility rate (TFR) affect stage 4? Explain the effect of social customs? Lifestyle? How did Communism affect growth stages? Explain stage 5 Explain the cycle Draw Stage 4 section of the model on your poster