Canada is known for its forests: million hectares covers half of Canada’s total land area almost 57% is considered commercial forest - land capable of producing marketable products. Timber – wood that has been prepared for use as a building material.
The value of forests: They contribute to the biodiversity of ecosystems Economically they provide jobs, money from taxes and tourism They provide goods like lumber and newsprint Ecologically they reduce soil erosion, recycle water, produce oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide They provide homes for wildlife
Who Owns Canada’s Forests? A million hectares of forest are cut down each year in Canada. What methods are used to harvest forests? Forest Harvesting Methods
1. Clear-cutting - involves clearing an area of all its trees at one time. (90% of forestry in Canada) Preferred by forestry companies: 1.It costs less. 2.Safer for loggers. Environmentalists don’t like it: 1.Leads to soil erosion. 2.Loss of biodiversity in trees and animals.
2. Strip Logging – long strips of land are cleared, leaving some islands of forest intact. Advantages: 1. Reduces soil erosion. 2. Less disruptive to wildlife. 3. Natural reseeding takes place.
3. Shelterwood Cutting – some mature trees are cut, others are left to provide shade for the growth of younger trees and seedlings. (Trees are generally the same age.)
4. Selection cutting – removes mainly deciduous trees of various ages singly or in small groups. Also used to remove diseased trees. Left to regenerate naturally.
Sustainable Forest Development Forests are a renewable resource and can be sustainable. Each district in Newfoundland and Labrador requires a forest management plan – long-term goals for an area to be logged.
Ways to improve forest management include: leave a band of forest around the shores of lakes and rivers avoid cutting on slopes to reduce erosion reduce the size of clear-cut areas set aside areas of the forest to provide ecosystems for wildlife or for seed reserves for future tree growth Model forest – sustainable management of small areas of local forest that involves input from all stakeholders who work together as a team.