Half term 1 week 6 TOTW
Read the quote below: Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer. “People should watch out for three things: avoid a major addiction, don't get so deeply into debt that it controls your life, and don't start a family before you're ready to settle down.” James Taylor
Watch the video below: =AIyqcST29wQ Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.
Read the article below: wales Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.
Watch the video: v=J94FY4naDbA Discuss these thoughts with your class. Reflect on your thoughts and the discussion for 1 minute in silence. Finish with your house prayer.