POPE BENEDICT ON MARRIAGE The vocation of family is to accompany each other on the path of discovery of God and the plan he has prepared for each of the members Mary and Joseph set an example: the beauty of faith, the love of God and his law, demands of justice, how to do God’s will How can families help each other along God’s path for each person?
The Sacrament Matrimony: A vocation to a state of life that joins a baptized man and a baptized woman in a lifelong covenant of love for the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of children.
Old Testament roots Covenant intended from beginning of creation Reflects the image and likeness of God and the Trinity The Fall had serious consequences for marriage: polygamy and divorce The Law was designed to bring people back toward God and the original covenant
Instituted by Jesus Reflects Christ’s love for his Church Jesus’ first miracle occurred during a Wedding! Jesus reiterates the importance of marriage in Mk 10:6-9 Elevation to sacrament provides grace which helps the couple overcome sin, temptation, and human failings
The Domestic Church The Christian home: “a community of grace and prayer, a school of human virtues and Christian charity” Witnessed through example Marriage is key to this example– mutual self- sacrifice and unconditional love.
Celebrating Matrimony Preparation is KEY! You might even want to celebrate Reconciliation beforehand to open yourself up to the full benefit of graces given Many parishes require pre-wedding classes (Engaged Encounter, Pre-Cana classes, counseling/meetings with the Pastor, etc.)
Who? Baptized man and baptized woman “Free to marry”- legal age of consent, not presently married, consenting to enter this marriage If these are not met, marriage is considered invalid Intention: marry for life, be faithful, be open to procreation
Can Catholics and Non- Catholics marry? Under certain circumstances Mixed marriage: Catholic + other denomination of Christian Disparity of cult: marrying a non-Christian Potential for difficulties Opportunity for conversion Must receive express dispensation (permission from Bishop)
Matter, Form, and Minister Matter: the couple themselves and their vows to a permanent, indissoluble union. The priest ratifies their vows and blesses the covenant The marriage itself is later sealed/consummated (the “wedding night”) Minister: the couple themselves, officiated by a deacon, priest, or bishop…therefore, the minister is not THE MINISTER, but a witness
The Rite Takes place within the context of the Mass Latin Rite: The priest guides couple through vows, blesses them, blesses and exchanges the rings; there are some cultural traditions that are sometimes incorporated Eastern Rite: Priest or bishop is considered minister of the sacrament; lots of symbols including crowning the bride and groom
Effects of Matrimony Properties of Marriage: unity and indissolubility Purposes of the marital act: unity and procreation Joins spouses in an exclusive bond Gives the couples grace to strengthen their indissoluble unity Provides “new significance” to human sexuality
SINS AGAINST MARRIAGE Adultery and polygamy: do not respect unity or exclusivity of marriage Contraception: lacks openness to conceiving children Divorce: violates indissolubility Cohabitation: incompatible with demand for marriage commitment
Annulments Seek counseling first, but: If it becomes necessary to separate (abuse, addiction, etc.) … Separated spouses should not date for purpose of re-marrying An investigation may result in an annulment (nullifies the marriage) They may then enter into marriage or the religious life