天線期中報告 論文 研討 : Woo Cheol Choi, Seonho Lim, Young Joong Yoon, “ Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled- Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application,”


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Presentation transcript:

天線期中報告 論文 研討 : Woo Cheol Choi, Seonho Lim, Young Joong Yoon, “ Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled- Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application,” The 2015 International Workshop on Antenna Technology. 報告人 : 博研電子一甲 DA 曾世賢 Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology

Abstract 研究方向 : 此 paper 提出使用倒 F 型耦合式饋入天線,其天線操作在 (GSM850/900/DCS/PCS/WCDMA) penta-band ,可應用 於手機、無線設備、及移動裝置上,基板尺寸為 140mm x 80mm x 0.6mm FR4 ,利用 EM 模擬軟體來分 析輻射效率和操作頻段,分析結果得到操作頻寬為 MHz 和 MHz 。 1 參考文獻 Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled-Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application

2 Antenna Design Antenna substrate : FR4 Antenna Size : x 15.2 mm Clearance Size : 80 x 20 mm Fig1. Geometries of proposed IFA and detailed dimensions of radiating strips 參考文獻 Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled-Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application

3 Antenna Pattern Overview Fug2. Multi strips penda-band. Table1. design parameters of proposed IFA Fug3. Single strips lower-band.Fug4. Single strips upper-band. lower band upper band 參考文獻 Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled-Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application

4 Simulation of Antenna S11 - 6dB Operation lower band Operation upper band Operation frequency (R.L. at 6dB) Lower band is 800 – 970MHz Upper band is 1480 – 2310MHz lower band upper band 參考文獻 Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled-Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application

5 Simulation of Antenna Gain and Eff. Lower Band Fig5. Radiation performances of lower band GSM 850/900 Peak Gain can reach 1 – 2 dBi. Radiation efficiency is observed larger than 參考文獻 Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled-Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application

6 Simulation of Antenna Gain and Eff. Upper Band Fig6. Radiation performances of upper band DCS/PCS/WCDMA Peak Gain can reach 2.5 – 3.35 dBi. Radiation efficiency is observed larger than 參考文獻 Compact Inverted-F Antenna Using Coupled-Feeding Structure for Penta-band Mobile Application

此天線使用倒 F 型耦合式饋入,可以設計出小 型天線與低姿態的天線,並且操作在多頻帶 (GSM850/900/DCS/PCS/WCDMA) ,且天線增 益與輻射效率都有良好的特性,在這倒 F 型天 線技術可應用於許多行動電話、無線設備和 移動應用上。 7 Conclusion

8 What One has Learned 倒 F 型天線可應用範圍越來越廣泛,而且頻率可以設計成 多頻段天線,並且頻寬也可以設計為寬頻設計,在天線的特 性表現也不錯。現在產品越來越小的趨勢以及使用多輸入多 輸出技術,需要較小尺寸並且兼具天線特性,此篇的設計方 法可以用於移動裝置和移動設備上。

參考文獻 9 [1] K. L. Wong, Planar Antennas for Wireless Communications, Wiley, [2] D. Liu, B. Gaucher, “A New Multiband Antenna for WLAN/Cellular Applications”, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Vol. 1, pp , [3] D. Liu, B. Gaucher, “The Inverted-F Antenna Height Effects on Bandwidth”, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, Vol. 2A, pp , [4] B. T. Jiang, J. F. Mao, “Design of an PIFA-IFA-Monopole in Dual-SIM Mobile Phone for GSM/DCS/Bluetooth Operations”, ICMMT Microwave and Millimeter Wave Technology, vol. 3, pp , [5] Z. Bayraktar, M. Komurcu, Z. H. Jiang, D. H. Werner, P. L. Werner, “Stub-loaded Inverted-F Antenna Synthesis Via Wind Driven Optimization”, IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation (APSURSI), pp , [6] K. P. Ray, V. Sevani, and R. K. Kulkami, “Gap Coupled Rectangular Microstrip Antennas for Dual and Triple Frequency Operation”, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 49, no. 6, pp. 1480–1486, Jun, [7] K. L. Wong and C. H. Huang, “Bandwidth-enhanced Internal PIFA with a Coupling Feed for Quad-band Operation in the Mobile Phone”, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 683–687, Mar