Dairy Foods
Purpose To enhance learning activities relative to the quality production, processing, distribution, promotion, marketing, and consumption of dairy foods.
Objectives of the contest. To develop and expand the students knowledge of high quality milk production and marketing To develop and expand the students knowledge of the composition and quality characteristics of raw and pasteurized milk.
Objectives cont. And to develop and expand the students of the understanding of the causes and control of mastitis, its influences on milk quality and yield and the use of mastitis detection methods in controlling the disease in production of abnormal milk.
Event Rules Teams will consist of three to four members. Ranking is determined by combining the the top three scores from each team. Team members will report to the event superintendent for instructions. Students will have three hours and forty- five minutes for the event.
Event Rules Cont. Students are not to use strong deodorant, perfume, chewing gum or other detractors to the taste and smell senses.
Event Format Students must provide- two #2 pencils and a flashlight. Provided for the students will be all paper and other supplies needed. Students are not to bring clipboards, paper, etc.
Format Cont. Team Problem Solving- All team members will be ask to solve a selected situation from the following: sanitation, marketing and distribution, and current issues in dairy health.
Format Cont. Individual Activities – Milk Flavor Id.: ten samples are to be tasted and scored. Scores can range from 10 which is excellent to 1 which is unacceptable. Five sediment pads will be scored on the degree of sediment in the milk. Scores ranging from 0 which is no sediment to 4 which is more than 2.5 mg of sediment.
Formant Cont. CMT – Eight samples of milk will be tested for mastitis. Scores will range from 0 which is negative up to 8 which is a strong gel formation in the paddle. Milker Units Parts- Student will be ask to score the different parts of the milker units by looking for dirt, cuts, cracks etc. For each defect a half point is taken off the total score. Which could end up as a 0.
Format Cont. Cheese Id.- Ten samples of cheese will be identified by each student worth two points each. Problem solving includes three parts. Id. Of real vs. fake worth 20pts The team solving problem worth 25pts The written test worth 50 pts
Tiebreakers In the event of a tie the following events will be used to break the tie. Milk production written exam Milker parts Cheese Id.