Anthophyte Reproduction In flowering plants, sexual reproduction takes place in the flower A complete flower is made of 4 main organs –Sepals –Petals –Stamens –Pistils
Anthophyte Reproduction Petals: Colorful, leaflike structures arranged in a circle around the top of the flower stem –Attract pollinators with perfume or nectar at base Sepals: usually green, leaflike structures that encircle the flower stem beneath the petals –Serve as a protective covering for the flower bud
Stamen: male reproductive structure of the flower; composed of –Anther: pollen producing structure at tip of the stamen (pollen contain sperm) –Filament: attaches the anther to the flower stem Anthophyte Reproduction
Pistil: Female reproductive structure of the flower; composed of –Stigma: sticky or feathery surface at the top of the pistil where pollen grains land and grow –Style: slender stalk that connects the stigma to the ovary; during fertilization pollen tube grows down the length of the style to reach the ovary –Ovary: the bottom enlarged portion of the pistil that contains one or more ovules; ovary eventually becomes the fruit –Ovules: each contain one egg that if fertilized will become a seed
Other Important Plant Tissues Vascular Tissues: transport food, minerals, and water throughout plant –Xylem: transport H20 & minerals from roots to leaves Tracheids, Vessel Elements –Phloem: transports sugars and organic compounds from leaves to roots Sieve Tube Members, Companion Cells