Course Description Algebra 1A is the first half of Algebra 1 This course is one-year course that builds on arithmetic skills and algebraic concepts taught in the earlier grades. A passing grade is required for continuation to Algebra 1B. You will also learn how to analyze problems, select the most appropriate solving methods, and write coherent solutions to Common Core Performance Tasks. To be successful in this class, you need to: 1. attend class regularly 2. maintain a positive attitude 3. consistently demonstrate good work habits. (You need to be cooperative and accept responsibility for your learning, ask questions, and get extra help as needed.)
Materials Composition notebook- this will be used daily for warm ups and note taking. Lined paper Graph paper #2 pencil with eraser Suggested Calculator Hand sanitizer Tissues
Grade Categories and Weights: Tests & quizzes: 20% of grade Common Core Performance Tasks/computer labs: 20% of grade *We will be using the computer lab in class and your work on the computer will count towards your grade. Class Work/Homework: 40% of grade Notebooks (class notes/daily warm-ups): 20%
Grading Scale A % B 80-89% C 68-79% D 55-67% F 0-54% * As long as you do your work and adhere to the classroom expectations you will get an A.
Homework/Class Work Class work will be assigned daily. Whatever is not completed in class will be homework and due the next day (unless otherwise specified). Assignments turned in on time and completed correctly will receive full credit (10 points).
Make-up Work It is your responsibility to get notes and homework when you miss class, and catch up as quickly as possible. Make-up work will receive full-credit if it is completed correctly and turned in at a timely fashion. Assignments and other materials will be posted on Mrs. Orme's web page at If you know you will be absent, you should request assignments as far in advance as possible, and try to be caught up with the class upon your return. * You need to stay caught up with the class and turn in homework on time if you are absent due to sports, field trips, or school activities.
Testing Policy You are expected to be in class and prepared for quizzes and scheduled tests. If you are absent only on the review day(s) for a test, you may be expected to take the test on the test day. If you are absent (excused) on the day of the test, you must be prepared to take the test on the day you return to class. If your absence is unexcused and you did not notify Mrs. Orme prior to your absence, or if you are absent on a regular basis on test days, your test grade may be lowered by one letter grade. It is your responsibility to notify Mrs. Orme in advance and make arrangements for a make-up test if you will be missing a test for a non-illness reason, including activities and sports. If you are truant, your test grade will be averaged with a “0”. Make-up tests are given during class or after school.
Extra Help I highly recommend and welcome any and all students to come and receive extra help. Students are welcomed in my classroom anytime the door is open. I am also available by appointment.
Grade Requirements for next math classes Algebra 1B: Passing grade, both semesters
Class Rules Appropriate and respectful behavior is expected at all times. Be on time. * You need to be in your seat before the last bell rings. Respect and take good care of all classroom materials/electronics. Cell phones and music are to be turned off and put away during class. Only water allowed in class. Food and other beverages are to be put away during class.
Final Comment I am looking forward to a successful school year. Students have many opportunities for a successful year in Algebra 1A. Just remind yourselves that practice makes better! *The more you practice and ask questions the better your math skills will be.
Questions? If you have any questions, please ask them now or you may write them on a separate sheet of paper and turn them in at the end of class.
First Class assignment On a note card Write your first and last name on the front side. Write 3 things you would like me to know about you on the back.
First Homework assignment Bring all of your materials to class tomorrow. Have your parents sign the syllabus (on the back) and bring it back to class for extra credit.