NCEH/ATSDR Office of Tribal Affairs Annabelle Allison Environmental Health Scientist Office of Tribal Affairs National Center for Environmental Health (NCEH)/ Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (ATSDR)/Office of Policy, Planning & Evaluation (OPPE) Atlanta, GA NTF/NTAA Conference June 3, 2008 Las Vegas, NV
ATSDR Created by Superfund Law, which is to protect health & environment from hazardous substances Public Health assessment of waste sites Health consultations Health surveillance Registries Training/Outreach
NCEH Conduct research in the laboratory and in the field to investigate effects of environment on health Surveillance Environmental emergency response Education & training
Planned Activities at the Office of Tribal Affairs (OTA)
OTA Coordinator Initial Duties of OTA Coordinator: Respond to report recommendations by expert panel Develop strategic plan for OTA’s growth Training Opportunities Basic Health Assessment Health Provider Training Partnerships/collaboration with tribes and NCEH/ATSDR Tribal Consultation Advisory Council (TCAC) activities - incorporate more topics on environmental health
Assist NCEH/ATSDR with requests from tribes for consultation and/or public health assessments Bridge environmental health and environmental protection in Indian Country Fund Tribal Colleges & Universities OTA Coordinator
Thank you! Annabelle Allison