Alexandria Digital Library Project Introduction ---- Digital Gazetteers Integration into Distributed Library Services JCDL 2002 Workshop Sponsored by Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS)
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude ADEPT, Smith, October 1999 Place-based information challenge Metadata <!-- a geographic latitude in degrees north of the equator or geographic longitude in degrees east of the Greenwich meridian, e.g., " " --> Search Engines Cataloging – Metadata Creation Where is …? What’s there? What happened there? Harvested Webpages GIS datasets Oral histories Georeferencing by placename and by spatial footprint Aerial photos Books Maps Data Papers Translation needed between placenames - locations Gazetteers
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Reference sources in DLs Collections I say … you say I mean … you mean Here’s where I am … where are you? Designing Cataloging Digitizing Servicing Metadata For Objects and Collections Reference Tools
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Reference sources in DLs o Thesauri o Authority files o Concept spaces o Gazetteers o Dictionaries o Glossaries o Subject heading sets o Classification systems Knowledge Organization Systems/Services * Defined structures, supported services Common view of all types of KOS as objects in DLs *KOS
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Digital gazetteer essentials (controlled vocabulary) None of these elements are unique identifiers of a particular place
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude What's a gazetteer? o Originally (in the simplest case) setof (name, location) –the "index" in an atlas –a "geographical dictionary" –feature labels for GIS data layers o ADL basics setof (name, type, location) o ADL extended Time-stamped names, extents, and relationships Descriptive information about names and places Merging of information about a place from multiple sources o Preferred definition Spatial dictionary of named and typed places
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Roles of gazetteers in digital libraries o Collections useful information in their own right o References canonical (official or preferred) names and locations o "Finding aids" where's this? location = gaz(name, type) what's here? (name, type) = gaz(location)
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Digital libraries and gazetteers o Content + Standards + Services Communities >> domain-specific gazetteers (local and specific knowledge) Exchange >> shared standards Protocols >> search & retrieval for distributed gazetteers o Federations "middleware" (broker) aggregates access to multiple gazetteers
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Workshop presentations o Digital gazetteers as DL components Linda Hill (UCSB): Content standards for digital gazetteers James Frew (UCSB): Textual-Geospatial Integration (TGI) Project Ruth Mostern (Berkeley): Digital gazetteer standards for history and culture o Protocols for accessing distributed gazetteers and thesauri Greg Janée (UCSB): Gazetteer and thesaurus service protocols Jens Fitzke (University of Bonn): Standard-based gazetteer services
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Workshop presentations o Gazetteer integration projects Ya-ning Chen, Shu-jiun Chen, Han-wei Yen, Hsiung-ming Liaw (Academia Sinica, Taiwan): Digital gazetteer service in context of Chinese culture Andy Corbett, James Reid, David Medyckyj-Scott, Cressida Chappell (Universities of Edinburgh and Essex): Geo- Crosswalk – A gazetteer service and server for the UK Gudrun Richardson, Humphrey Southall (Great Britain Historical GIS Project): From a historical GIS to an on- line administrative gazetteer of Great Britain
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Workshop presentations o Gazetteer integration projects David Smith (Tufts): Mining gazetteer data from digital library collections Patrick McGlamery (University of Connecticut): Inferring areal geographies for non-bounded places in Connecticut Rhian Evans, Peter Morton (Atlas of Canada): The Atlas of Canada: a gazetteer service and application o Summing up led by Clifford Lynch, Executive Director of the Coalition for Networked Information
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude NKOS o Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services Informal association for the discussion of the functional and data model for enabling knowledge organization systems (KOS), such as classification systems, thesauri, gazetteers, and ontologies, as networked interactive information services to support the description and retrieval of diverse information resources through the Internet. Listserv hosted by NSF DLI2 Program. See
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude CGGR o UCSB’s Center for Global Georeferencing Research Listserv for the discussion of gazetteer related issues Archives hosted by NSF DLI2 website See
Alexandria Digital Library Project JCDL 2002 Workshop Prelude Additional presentation at Prelude Jordan Hastings Doctoral student, Geography UCSB Duplicate Resolution in Gazetteers Or Is this information about the same place as this other information?