Staff Augmentation: Pre-bid Conference Presented by: Carol Steffanni, Director Bureau of Strategic Policy Greg Faremouth Department of Management & Budget December 6, 2005
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 AgendaAgenda Welcome Vendor Management Service Expectations Estimated Timeline Q & A
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 Vendor Management Service VMS – Single contractor providing staff augmentation services utilizing subcontracted suppliers. Each consultant has an individual agreement. The prime contractor does not participate in providing resources.
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 Scope of Work In scope – Services required to provide staff augmentation, i.e. resume screening, background and reference checks, invoicing. The state will provide day-to-day management and assign work to the staff augmentation contractors.
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 Scope of Work Not covered – Staff augmentation services do not include work which has defined deliverables and is fixed fee in pricing structure. This work will still be covered via an Invitation to Bid (ITB) and Request for Purchase (RFP). Commodity purchases of hardware and software.
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 Why VMS Administrative efficiencies Reduction in time to hire Cost savings through competitive rate cards Improved reporting on customer satisfaction and contractor performance Higher participation for small businesses To deliver consistent, high quality resources
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 State’s Expectations Staff Acquisition Requests from one source – DIT Contract Office Screening, reference checks and required testing, recommendations On-boarding process, performance management Administration Full financial cycle management Invoice consolidation using multiple accounting codes Distribution of payments Reconciliation Monthly reports
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 State’s Expectations Web-Based Tool Request order and attached Scope of Work (SOW) Time entry and approvals Status reporting MI-Deal Rate card available for local governments and non-profit organizations Managed services not included
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 State’s Expectations Subcontractors Outreach Small business goal of at least 40-70% Outreach plan Current Suppliers Staff augmentation contracts (START) will continue through contract term and then be resourced through this contract Encourages prime to include START companies in their partner base
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 Estimated Timeline Questions Due: Dec. 8 Bid Due Date: Dec. 22 at 12:00 Noon Award Recommendation: January Anticipated State Ad Board Approval: February Contract Start Date: March
Staff Augmentation: Pre-Bid Conference December 6, 2005 Q & A