Product and Service Design CHAPTER 4 Product and Service Design
Reasons for Product or Service Design Be competitive Increase business growth & profits Avoid downsizing with development of new products Improve product quality Achieve cost reductions in labor or materials
Trends in Product & Service Design Increased emphasis on or attention to: Customer satisfaction Reducing time to introduce new product or service Reducing time to produce product
Trends in Product & Service Design (Cont’d) Increased emphasis on or attention to: The organization’s capabilities to produce or deliver the item Environmental concerns Designing products & services that are “user friendly”
Objectives of Product & Service Design Design a product or service that will meet (or exceed) customer expectations, within cost or budget, that takes into account the capabilities of operations and the fact that alternative designs may be more or less efficient to produce or provide. Satisfy customers while making a reasonable profit. Consider organization capabilities when designing a product. DFO--Design For Operations “manufacturability”
Ideas for New or Redesigned Products and Services Motivation for design and redesign comes from many directions: Employees Customers Competition Suppliers Governmental Reg. Product Liability
Research & Development (R&D) Organized efforts to increase scientific knowledge or product innovation & may involve: Basic Research advances knowledge about a subject without near-term expectations of commercial applications. Applied Research achieves commercial applications. Development converts results of applied research into commercial applications.
Product & Service Design Issues Life Cycles Standardization Mass Customization “delayed differentiation” “modular design” Reliability Robust Design
Advantages of Standardization Fewer parts to deal with in inventory & manufacturing Reduced training costs and time More routine purchasing, handling, and inspection procedures
Advantages of Standardization (Cont’d) Orders fillable from inventory Opportunities for long production runs and automation Need for fewer parts justifies increased expenditures on perfecting designs and improving quality control procedures.
Disadvantages of Standardization Designs may be frozen with too many imperfections remaining. High cost of design changes increases resistance to improvements. Decreased variety results in less consumer appeal.
Taguchi Approach - Robust Design Design a robust product Insensitive to environmental factors either in manufacturing or in use. Central feature is Parameter Design. Determines: factors that are controllable and those not controllable their optimal levels relative to major product advances
Manufacturing Design Production Capabilities--DFM,DFA Remanufacturing Recycling--DFR Concurrent Engineering Computer-Aided Design Component Commonality
Concurrent Engineering Concurrent engineering is the bringing together of engineering design and manufacturing personnel early in the design phase.
“Over the Wall” Approach New Product Design Mfg
Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is product design using computer graphics. increases productivity of designers, 3 to 10 times creates a database for manufacturing information on product specifications provides possibility of engineering and cost analysis on proposed designs
SERVICE DESIGN Differences between Service and Product Design: focuses on more intangible factors less latitude in finding and correcting errors before customer does services can’t be inventoried highly visible to consumers and must be designed accordingly some services have low barriers to entry & exit location often crucial
SERVICE DESIGN Begins with choice of service strategy and extends to design of the service delivery system. ISSUES: Degree of variation in service requirements Degree of customer contact and customer involvement in the delivery system Useful tool Service Blueprinting
QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT “House of Quality” Correlation matrix Design requirements Customer require- ments Relationship matrix Competitive assessment Specifications or target values
House of Quality Example Customer Requirements Importance to Cust. Easy to close Stays open on a hill Easy to open Doesn’t leak in rain No road noise Importance weighting Engineering Characteristics Energy needed to close door Check force on level ground to open door Water resistance 10 6 9 2 3 7 5 X Correlation: Strong positive Positive Negative Strong negative * Competitive evaluation X = Us A = Comp. A B = Comp. B (5 is best) 1 2 3 4 5 AB X AB XAB A X B X A B Relationships: Strong = 9 Medium = 3 Small = 1 Target values Reduce energy level to 7.5 ft/lb Reduce force to 9 lb. to 7.5 ft/lb. current level Maintain Technical evaluation 4 1 A BA BXA Door seal resistance Accoust. Trans. Window House of Quality Example IRWIN Ó a Times Mirror Higher Education Group, Inc. company, 1996
Reliability Reliability: The ability of a product, part, or system to perform its intended function under a prescribed set of conditions Failure: Situation in which a product, part, or system does not perform as intended Normal operating conditions: The set of conditions under which an item’s reliability is specified
MEASURING RELIABILITY Two alternative approaches to operationally defining reliability: The probability the product or system will function on any given trial--”Point-in-Time” The probability that the product or system will function for a given length of time--”Length of Service”
Modular Design Modular design is a form of standardization in which component parts are subdivided into modules that are easily replaced or interchanged. It allows: easier diagnosis and remedy of failures easier repair and replacement simplification of manufacturing and assembly