Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives AO1 - Research and plan a set of documents to meet a given client brief. y13 – Unit 7 Desktop Publishing
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives - Unit 7 Desktop Publishing – AO1 Pass Candidates carry out limited research on only one organisation to collate different publications. Candidates provide limited evidence linking their research to the design sketches. They produce a basic plan which includes: a statement of purpose for the documents, a description of the target audience, sketches which indicate where text and images will be placed and identification of software to be used.
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives - Unit 7 Desktop Publishing – AO1 Merit Candidates carry out independent research from a range of sources, which they identify, to collate different publications. Candidates provide evidence linking their research to the design sketches. They produce a plan which includes: details of the purpose of the documents, a description of the target audience, detailed sketches which indicate where text and images will be placed and identification of software to be used. The sketch plans meet the requirements of the client brief.
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives - Unit 7 Desktop Publishing – AO1 Distinction Candidates carry out independent research from a wide range of sources which they identify and includes three different organisations to collate different publications. Candidates provide clear evidence linking their research to the designs. They produce a comprehensive plan to meet fully the requirements of the brief which includes: details of the purpose of the documents, a description of the target audience and detailed sketches. The sketches indicate where text, images and visual signposts will be placed. They identify the software to be used.
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives - Unit 7 Desktop Publishing – AO1 Chief Examiners Report In AO1, there is no requirement for candidates to include copies of the publications they review, although this might be helpful to enable assessors to judge the depth and accuracy of research comments. However, candidates should include evaluative comments and explanations of how their research has affected their designs. The documents to be reviewed should cover a wide range of different types of publication. These might be provided for candidates working at Pass level, but above this level candidates should independently identify documents for study.
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives - Unit 7 Desktop Publishing – AO1 Chief Examiners Report contd There are quite a few documents on the WWW that could be used to provide information about visual signposting. One such example can be found in the DTP section of Candidates need to produce sketch diagrams for every page of their publications. To be considered ‘detailed’, as required for Merit and Distinction, these should specify the text and graphics to be included. This necessitates research to find appropriate text and graphics as well as deciding where any text and graphics provided by the client are to be located and any text and graphics that need to be created by the candidate.
Gateacre Community Comprehensive School Learning Objectives - Unit 7 Desktop Publishing – AO1 Chief Examiners Report contd The source of graphics and text should be acknowledged, either within the publications themselves, as appropriate, or in a bibliography, which can be provided within the portfolio. The reference to AO6 in the notes for guidance within the unit is an error. The sketch diagrams should provide all the information needed about house style, including colour scheme, fonts and any page layout issues, including use of lines, borders etc, that will be needed to create the templates in AO2.