Case-Based Reasoning for Eliciting the Evolution of Geospatial Objects Joice Mota, Gilberto Camara, Isabel Escada, Olga Bittencourt, Leila Fonseca, Lúbia Vinhas National Institute for Space Research
source: IGBP How is the Earth’s environment changing, and what are the consequences for human civilization? The fundamental question of our time
Earth observation satellites and geosensor webs provide key information about global change… …but that information needs to be modelled and extracted
What´s in an Image? “Remote sensing images provide data for describing landscape dynamics” (Câmara, Egenhofer et al., COSIT 2001).
Land cover objects LAND COVER OBJECTS Boundaries determined by agreement about land categories (geometry, topology and properties change)
The problem: extracting land cover objects from images and relating them to human use of space
Landsat Image 13/Ago/2003 Remote sensing images: sources of land cover objects
Deforestation from 13/Ago/2003 to 07/May/2004 Deforestation: until 13/Aug/2003 (yellow), from 13/Aug/2003 until 07/mai/2004 (red) Remote sensing images: sources of land cover objects
Deforestation from 07 May 2004 to 21 May 2004 Deforestation: until 13 Aug 2003 (yellow), from 13/Aug/2003 to 07/May/2004 (red), from 07 May 2004 to 21 May 2004 (orange) Remote sensing images: sources of land cover objects
Eliciting the history of land change objects Reconstructing the history of a landscape
type-dependent rules Merge (stateObj, cityObj) = stateObj Approach: object histories + types + rules splitcreatemerge Hornsby and Egenhofer (COSIT 97, IJGIS 2000)
Form follows function Object shape indicates possible land use Different types of land change objects
From shapes of land cover to types of land use ShapeSizeActorsMain land use Linear (LIN)VariableGovernment, settlersRoads and pathways Irregular (IRR)Small (<50 ha) Small farms (settlers)Subsistence agriculture Regular (REG)Medium- large (>50 ha) Midsized and large farmers Cattle ranching irregular, linear, regular
Evolution rules depend on land function Small Farmers Medium-Sized Farmers photos: Isabel Escada Many settlers sell their land SUBSISTENCE FARMING Settler gets parcel Settler sells land CATTLE FARM ABANDONMENT Land exhaustion LAND REFORM redistribution
Eliciting the Evolution Rules using Case-Based Reasoning We use domain experts to derive the evolution rules
Evolution rules depend on expected land use irregular, linear, regular settlements, roads, farms Merge(settlement, settlement) = FALSE Merge (road, road) = road Merge (farm, farm) = farm Merge (settlement, road) = FALSE Merge (settlement, farm) = farm Merge (farm, road) = FALSE
From snapshots to object history Object extracted from snapshots are merged to create histories
{-- definition of Object History data type --} ObjHist t : Tree Object t { -- operations on Object History data type --} merge:: ObjHist t1 ObjHist t2 ObjHist t3 split:: ObjHist t1 ObjHist t2 (ObjHist t1, ObjHist t3) Computational model: basic operations splitmerge
Computational model: telling histories Object histories can be retrieved
Landsat image (2000) Deforestation maps from INPE (2000) Peasants were given lots with sizes of 25 ha to 50 ha in 1970s. What happened from 1970s to 2000s? Land intensification in Rondônia (BR)
Vale do Anari – Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms REG
Vale do Anari – Pereira et al, 2005 Escada, 2003 REG Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms
Vale do Anari – Pereira et al, 2005 Escada, 2003 REG Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms
Vale do Anari – Pereira et al, 2005 Escada, 2003 Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms
Vale do Anari – Pereira et al, 2005 Escada, 2003 REG Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms
Vale do Anari – Pereira et al, 2005 Escada, 2003 REG Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms
Vale do Anari – Confirmed by field work Pereira et al, 2005 Escada, 2003 REG Patterns/Typology IRR: Irregular – Colonist parcels LIN: Linear – roads and pathways REG: Regular – medium-large farms
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Elicting land cover object histories
Marked land concentration Government plan for settling many colonists in the area has failed. Large farmers have bought the parcels in an illicit way Anari – from land cover to land use
Tools: GEODMA (Data mining) GEODMA – geographical data mining analyst
45 Tools: TerraHS TerraHS TerraView import TerraHS type Mpoint = Haskell TerraLib MySQL TerraLib Developer
Conclusion Land cover object types + lifelines + rules = obtain history of land use