Chap 5 Sect 1 & 2 Main Ideas –After the Revolution the 13 states ratify the Articles of Confederation –In 1787 the Constitutional Convention meets to revise the government Key Terms – –Articles of Confederation, Northwest Ordinance, Shay’s Rebellion, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, Great Compromise, 3/5 Compromise
The Articles of Confederation Ratified in 1781 Weak Central Government Most power resides with the states Congress could –Wage / Declare War –Raise Armies –Sign Treaties w/foreign powers Congress could not –Impose taxes –Regulate Trade
Northwest Ordinance of 1787 Only way for new government to raise money is to sell land The New Territories –Congress appointed Governor & 3 Judges –After 5000 adult males settle Those 5000 elect a territorial legislature –After population of territory reaches 60,000 The territory could apply for statehood
Federal Government lacks authority The Treaty of 1783 calls for payment of British merchant loans –No way for new government to enforce this –British merchants are angry –British refuse to leave American land Spain and Georgia are in a border dispute –Spain blocks access to MS river –Federal Govt has no way of forcing Georgia to settle dispute – trade suffers
Shay’s Rebellion 1787 Farmers in Mass. are angry about taxes -attack Mass. Govt. Property owners worry that a weak central govt cannot protect their rights Merchants, landowners, & wealthy want stronger central govt Shay’s Rebellion led by Former RevWar soldier Daniel Shay
All call for CHANGE !!! 1787 Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia Goal is to revise Art of Conf. GW chosen as presiding officer 55 delegates Meet in secrecy – why????
The Virginia Plan Do away with Articles of Confed. Do away with Articles of Confed. 3 Branches of Government 3 Branches of Government Legislative Branch has 2 Houses Legislative Branch has 2 Houses Upper House = Senate State’s voters get to pick Senators Lower House = House of Reps State government nominates potential members for 2 nd House and 1 st votes # of Reps dependent on state’s population # of Reps dependent on state’s population Smaller states oppose this plan Smaller states oppose this plan
The New Jersey Plan Rework the Articles of Confederation Rework the Articles of Confederation 3 Branches of Government 3 Branches of Government Legislative Branch has 1 House Legislative Branch has 1 House # of Reps is equal for all states regardless of population # of Reps is equal for all states regardless of population Large states oppose this plan Large states oppose this plan
The Great Compromise Ben Franklin in charge Senate = 2 Senators from each state House of Reps = based on Population State Government elects Senators
3/5 th Compromise Slave States want slaves counted for population / representation Northern States say then they should count for taxes as well Compromise - 1 slave = 3/5 th of a white person