INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY TransPAC John Hicks TransPAC HPCC Engineer Indiana University APAN Conference – Shanghai 27-August-2002.


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Presentation transcript:

INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY TransPAC John Hicks TransPAC HPCC Engineer Indiana University APAN Conference – Shanghai 27-August-2002

INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Webpage - The TransPAC Project is funded by the US National Science Foundation and the Japan Science and Technology Corporation Introduction to TransPAC The TransPAC Project is jointly funded by the US National Science Foundation and the Japan Science and Technology Corporation. The TransPAC Project provides high-performance network connectivity between the Asia-Pacific region and the United States for the purpose of encouraging educational and scientific collaboration among scientists and researchers in these respective areas.

INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY On 15 October 2001, TransPAC was upgraded to 1.244Gbps. The new TransPAC network has dual 622Mbps connections from Tokyo to Seattle (Pacific Wave Connection Point) [POS] and to Chicago (StarLight Connection Point) [ATM]. The Tokyo-Seattle link is supplied by Teleglobe. The Tokyo-Chicago is supplied by KDDI. TransPAC May 1, 2002

INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY TransPAC Evolution May 8 – Received a phone call from a friend at Teleglobe warning of troubles. May 15 – Troubles with Teleglobe are officially confirmed May 23 – RFP for new TransPAC service released May 27 – TransPAC northern circuit fails. TransPAC now relying on only southern circuit.

INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY TransPAC June 2002 June 3 – RFP responses due June 6 – Initial award to KDDI-A pending minor negotiations. June 10 – Official award to KDDI-A June 21 – Tokyo-Seattle circuit complete, testing begins June 24 – Testing shows errors, circuit examined, testing continues June 25 – Circuit is clean, routes begin to be passed June 26 – Traffic is passed across the northern circuit again!





INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY IPv6 on TransPAC Northern and Southern TransPAC routes provide IPv6. Northern route provides line-rate native IPv6 support. Southern route provides 4 PVCs (Korea, WIDE, APAN, IMnet) to the 6 TAP CISCO TransPAC will participate in a IPv6 Land Speed Record demo from Tokyo to New York. Waiting on Abilene to install equipment in New York. We are also exploring a demo from Tokyo to Amsterdam (iGrid 2002).

INDIANAUNIVERSITYINDIANAUNIVERSITY Questions and discussion John Hicks Indiana University