NL Housing and Homelessness Network Conference
Background ‣ Bluebook 2011 Commitment ‣ In January 2012 NLHC began work to commission the study ‣ Nation-wide RFP ‣ OrgCode Consulting Inc was the successful proponent; they were asked to: Estimate the homeless population Make recommendations on the provincial response
Defining Homelessness ‣ Sheltered Homeless “In Newfoundland and Labrador, a person is homeless if they are admitted to a homeless or domestic violence shelter, or seek housing crisis/emergency shelter services from a front line homeless worker” ‣ Unsheltered Homeless (eg: street homelessness, rough sleepers) ‣ Hidden Homeless (eg: couch surfers)
Over the Course of 2012 ‣ 1,685 individuals required emergency shelter (this includes domestic violence shelters) ‣ 141 Individuals experienced unsheltered homelessness (people living on streets, in wooded areas, etc..) ‣ 3,743 individuals experienced hidden homelessness (temporarily living with friends or relatives) o 5,569 Persons in Total
Regionally (Sheltered Homeless) Region St. John’s854 Rural Avalon154 Burin124 Clarenville & Gander114 Grand Falls- Windsor34 Stephenville92 Corner Brook- St. Anthony143 Labrador170 Total1,685
Causes of Homelessness in NL Homelessness normally occurs when several of these causes come together: ‣ Structural (eg: discrimination based on age, mental health, sexual orientation) ‣ System Gaps and Barriers (eg: persons with no fixed address being discharged from health or corrections) ‣ Individual Circumstances (eg: trauma, domestic violence, compromised mental health, substance abuse)
Effecting Change – Traditional Response
Effecting Change – Housing First Response
Themes 1.System Integration Provincial endorsement of approach. System transformation from independent departments and programs to an integrated system of care focused on housing stability. NLHC provide the leadership required to end homelessness. 2. Homelessness Prevention Strategic initiatives and investments to prevent people from entering into the homeless system.
Themes 3. Housing and Support Programming Use a triage approach to end homelessness to match the right intervention to need. Focus resources on the chronically homeless population through a Housing First method. 4. Information sharing and Performance Management Implement an integrated data system for service providers. The data system will facilitate improved service delivery, identify investment priorities and allow for monitoring of progress.
Steering Committee ‣ Struck when the report was released ‣ An additional layer of consultation ‣ Short Term ‣ Mandate: o Consider impact on creating bureaucracy o Consider rural and urban impacts o Report back to the Minister with advice on recommendations to be “adopted as is”; “adopted with modifications” or “rejected”