Ref: 1 How to perform Wudu (Ablution) Declare the intention that the act is for the purpose of worship & purity. Start by saying: Bismillah ("In the Name of Allah")
Ref: 2 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 2 Wash the hands up to the wrists, three times
Ref: 3 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 3 Rinse out the mouth with water, three times
Ref: 4 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 4 Cleanse the nostrils by sniffing water into them by the right hands & then remove the water with left hand, three times.
Ref: 5 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 5 Wash the whole face three times with both hands,from the top of the forehead to the bottom of the chin and from ear to ear.
Ref: 6 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 6 Wash the right arm three times up to the elbow,and then do the same with the left arm
Ref: 7 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 7 Wipe the whole head with a wet hand, once
Ref: 8 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 8 Wipe the inner sides of the ears with the forefingers and their outer sides with the thumb. This should be done with wet fingers.
Ref: 9 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 9 Wipe the neck from back to front with wet fingers.
Ref: 10 How to perform wudu (Ablution) Step 10 Wash the two feet up to the ankles, three times,beginning with the right foot and then the left foot.