Group 4 Disease Prevention/Hygiene 1st Grade Abby McIntosh Theresa Nalewaja Megan Udovich Jessica King
What is a GERM? Germs are VERY small organisms that are everywhere. We need to use a very powerful microscope in order to see them. They can make people very sick from the time they are born until they are very old.
What kinds of germs are there?? BACTERIA: Tiny germs that are made up of one cell. *Strep Throat *Food poisoning VIRUSES: One celled germs but are MUCH smaller than Bacteria. *Chicken Pox *Flu *Common Cold
How to Prevent the Spread of Germs Sneeze and cough into your elbow! Throw away used tissues after you have used them. Wash your Hands Regularly Don't touch your face or mouth with unwashed hands
Wash your face, hands, and body each day Body Care Wash your face, hands, and body each day Gets rid of dirt, germs and smelliness
Don't share brushes, hats, clothing Head Lice What is it? How can I not get head lice? Don't share brushes, hats, clothing wash combs and brushes School and sleepovers
How to Not Get Sick Eat Healthy Play Outside... Move! Sleep Dress for the weather!! Eat Healthy Play Outside... Move! Sleep
Washing your hands will help get rid of germs and keep you healthy! Hand Washing Washing your hands will help get rid of germs and keep you healthy!
When should you wash your hands? Before eating food After going to the bathroom Before touching a cut After coughing or sneezing
Correct Way of Hand Washing 1. Use warm water 2. Use soap 3. Wash hands for at least 10-15 seconds 4. Dry hands and forearms with a towel Megan, i added some pics if you dont like them you can take them off!!
Lets wash our hands together! If you’re happy and you know it, wash your hands If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it If you’re happy and you know it, wash your hands.
No food or drinks at night after you brush your teeth Brushing Teeth Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day! No food or drinks at night after you brush your teeth Brush for 2-3 minutes
Visit the dentist 2 times a year