A Real Deal In The Current Market
How Did I Find It?
What Trees???
How Did I Secure It?
Why Did I Want A Longer Settlement? How Was I Able To Get Long Settlement?
How Did I Know I Could Develop It Into 9 Lots?
Town Planner Civil Engineer Builders Real Estate Agents Mentors Finance Broker Valuer Accountant Solicitor Your Team Is Critical To Your Success
Sell As Vacant Land Or Build?
Why Did I Stage The Development?
Summary of Figures Purchase Price $835,000 Costs (Construction, Stamp Duty, Legals, Contributions, Holding Costs GST, Commissions etc.) $685,000 Total Costings~$1,520,000 Total Sales 9 Lots $2,100,000 Profit before Tax ~$575,000 Yield ~40%
What? No Money Down? How? Bank Funding $668,000 Investors $680,000 (Small Profit Share) Total Raised $1,360,000 Rest of Project Costs (eg GST and Agents Commission) were paid from settlement proceeds
To Be Wealthy You Need To 1.Have A Plan 2.Be An Area Expert 3.Have At Great Team 4.Be An Ongoing Student 5.Do Things With Leverage 6.Do Things With Velocity
Good Luck!