1 Republic of Kazakhstan: Status of Climate Change Activities Kanat Baigarin, Head of the Climate Change Coordination Center Population 15,8 million GDP 24,22 billion $ Energy Prod. 64,78 Mtoe Net Imports -26,73 Mtoe TPES. 38,42 Mtoe 2,43 toe/capita 1,59 toe/1000 $ Power Consumption. 50,66 Twh 3206 kWh/capita CO 2 Emissions 1126,65 Mt of CO 2 8,02 t CO 2 /capita 5,23 kg CO 2 /$
2 Steps of Kazakhstan on UNFCCC Status Development Decision to join Annex 1, COP Government Decree on IACCC Climate Change Coordination Center UNFCCC is ratified Kyoto Protocol is signed First National Communication, GHG Inventory and 1994 GHG Inventory for 1992 and Identification of 1992 as a base year National System for CDM/JI projects review and approval. GHG Registry Voluntary obligation on Art. 4.2g UNFCCC
3 Republic of Kazakhstan: Inter-Agency Coordination on Climate Change Government Interagency Commission on Ratification of the Kyoto Protocol and Implementation of Rk’s Obligations Under UNFCCC (IACCC) Ministry of Economy and TradeMinistry of Foreign Affaires Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment Protection Ministry of Agriculture Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources Ministry of Transport and Communications Ministry of JusticeMinistry of Finance Agency on Strategic Planning, Observers Observers: NGO Representatives, Parliament Representatives, Representatives of Donor Countries and Organizations, Representatives of Business Climate Change Coordination Center (Executive Body of IACCC) Inventory and Monitoring of GHG Sinks and Sources WORKING GROUPS Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Measures Energy Sector (Energy-saving and Efficiency, Alternative Energy Sources) International Negotiation Process Development of Regulatory Basis Transfer and Introduction of Technologies Non-energy Sector (Industry, Land-use, Etc.) Introduction of Flexible Market Mechanisms and JI Projects Strategy, Microeconomic Analyses and GHG Emissions Forecast
4 Climate Change Coordination Center Web - Site Project Pipeline Prototype National GHG Registry GHG Emissions Inventory Project Development: Unified Project Design Document (UPDD) Launch of Pilot Projects National System for CDM/JI Projects Review and Approval Climate Change Coordination Center
5 Functions of the Center as executive body of the Interagency Commission: The Center is responsible for oversight of greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction projects The Center advises the Government of Kazakhstan on development of mechanisms for registration and approval of GHG emission allowances (credits). Creation of the national system for evaluation of potential GHG reduction projects on the basis of environmental, national development, and financial considerations. The Center creates the basis of a national system for legal and institutional regulation of environmental activities taking into account flexible market mechanisms. To promote development of the national process the Center should: Consolidate activities on climate change abatement within the country and at the international level Develop a National Strategy for GHG reduction Facilitate promotion of public activities and interest in implementation of the UNFCCC. Initiate involvement of environmental NGOs and business in the process Compile a library of international experience on climate change topics Inform the public on the challenges of climate change and its impacts on environment, health and economic development Functions of CCCC
6 Accomplishments in Kazakhstan (1) IAC and CCC functioning & widely recognized Contacts w/JI&CDM offices around world Draft MOUs with Dutch, World Bank, others Training/seminars in project prep, JI/CDM methodologies Project Developer’s Manual Distributed CDM/JI Baseline Assessment, Validation, Monitoring, Verification and Certification procedures accepted as basis for official standards
7 Accomplishments in Kazakhstan (2) Draft registry designed and accepted Extensive networking with project developers and potential investors projects and 8 UPDDs Web site up in 2 weeks – –project pipeline, database of developers, registry, hot links, general info. Draft laws “On Air Protection” and “On Ozone Layer Protection and Climate” CCC to coordinate inter-agency task force on energy efficiency (prepare strategy in 2001, begin implementation in 2002)
8 Legislation Development Existing laws Laws under development Atmospheric Air Protection Law Air Protection Law Climate and Ozone Layer Protection Law Energy-saving Law, 1997 Environment Protection Law, 1997 Normative and sub-law acts
9 National Priorities Creation of legal basis Creation of legal basis for realization of economic mechanisms for natural resources management using the new law on atmospheric air protection; Approval and introduction of internal procedures Approval and introduction of internal procedures for consideration, assessment, verification, monitoring and validation of CDM/JI projects on GHG reduction; Integration of GHG inventory Integration of GHG inventory in the national statistical reporting system and the national system of environmental monitoring; Development of the National Strategy Development of the National Strategy on greenhouse gas emission reduction and improvement of energy-efficiency. It is also needed: To develop a target short-term program 1. To develop a target short-term program on energy-saving and greenhouse gas emission reduction; To develop Feasibility Studies 2. To develop Feasibility Studies and to launch pilot projects on GHG emission reduction, the top priority directions for projects are: Energy-efficiency and energy-saving Energy-efficiency and energy-saving in cities both in the sector of energy production and in the sector of energy consumption; Energy supply in rural areas Energy supply in rural areas through introduction of autonomous systems using small energy resources: mini hydropower stations, wind stations, small diesel plants, etc.; Construction of large wind power stations; Utilization of associate gas Utilization of associate gas on oil fields; Utilization of mine methane Utilization of mine methane;
10 Short-term outlook To start in 2001 developing legal and institutional infrastructure for creation of market for carbon credits. To introduce the act regulating the National Registry of GHG emissions from GHG sources and of GHG sequestration by sinks; To introduce the new law «On atmospheric air protection», providing for legal regulation of emissions through use of economic mechanisms, that also allows to regulate GHG emission reduction according to the ultimate goals of the UNFCCC, ratified by Kazakhstan. To conclude a relevant agreement and to launch pilot JI projects with external investors for development of normative and legal mechanisms and for technical adjustment of CDM/JI projects to the country’s economy; To begin establishing legal and technical basis and system of voluntary reduction, limitation and emission trade for enterprises and firms of the country with further distribution of the resulting credits among them at the internal market, as well as at the external market; To establish Kazakhstan’s Carbon Fund as a mechanism of governmental participation in realization and financing of CDM/JI projects.