The CGMW, the oldest international organization in geoscience after the International Geological Congress (IGC), was created in 1881 It is a non-profit-making scientific and educational body governed by French law and a rank A Non-Government Organization (NGO) eligible for UNESCO funding. The CGMW is responsible for designing, promoting, coordinating and publishing small-scale thematic Earth Science maps of the continents, oceans and the world. Our programs are carried out in partnership with geological surveys (contributors 1/3), universities, oceanographic institutions and industrial firms, in close coordination and with the support of UNESCO and IUGS. CGMW Commission for the Geological Map of the World /
concern about some minor points : related to its visibility, future, and the links with CGMW 1)The references to the CGMW maps 2)The top to bottom access portal 3)Observe and provide assistance for the future of OneG CGMW Commission for the Geological Map of the World /
CGMW is worried about the confusion between the products (there could be more and more confusion
Other thematic maps ? Older versions ? 1:25 M1:5 M1:1 M Access from top to bottom of the Portal US Middle East … Harmonization … Validation Visibility (Common booths) overlapping …