1 Guy Divita Qing Zeng-Treitler Salt Lake City VA, University of Utah School of Medicine Pragmatic Interoperability
2 Toy Story We all agree one-off-solution is not good Many approaches to Interoperability
3 Internal Interoperability
4 Framework Supporting Interoperability
5 Within System Issues Many Master Builders who do not share a plan! And plan changes…
6 Within System Issues Sometimes integration is more work than building from scrtach
7 Pragmatic Interoperability
8 Overview
9 Terminology
10 Messaging Protocol
11 Ontological Alignment
12 Pragmatics
13 Pragmatics (2)
14 Feature Alignment Semantics
15 Feature Alignment Semantics (2)
16 Expressibility
17 Expressibility (2)
18 Expressibility(3)
19 Pragmatics (again)
20 Interoperability Efforts within v3NLP
21 From survey of existing NLP systems Common ontological referent points Combines CDA, Penn Treebank labels New labels where needed – Document structure (table, figure, snippet, slot value … Rendered into UIMA Type Descriptors Protégée Ontology Common Set of Labels
22 Interoperability Efforts within v3NLP
23 Special Considerations
24 Modeling Negation
25 Asymmetric Interoperability
26 Barriers to Interoperability
27 Solution Limit the number of moving parts + Some planning Simple protocol Simple semantics
28 Pragmatic Interoperability Principles
29 Programs, projects, ideas, utilities, services and shared resources workflow aids, annotation editors, evaluation tools, lexicon generation aids, ontology development tools, dashboards Repo’s, wiki’s, website(s) Evolving standards, guidelines, best practices NLP Ecosystem Elements
30 Big goals, grand challenges, many little dance steps Engendering developer and user communities Engendering collaborative environments Governing body to influence direction …… NLP Ecosystem Elements (continued)
31 One-off code for specific tasks (GSpell) Open source software developed on common framework (HITEx) Interoperable and user friendly systems on common framework (V3NLP) NLP ecosystem/ Marketplace Clinical NLP Development Trend
32 EMMA Sophia cTAKESVoogo ARC UFIT Common Labels Sublanguage Model UIMA-GATE converter WEKA UIMA U Compare MetaMap RapTAT Mallot … Toward a NLP Ecosystem Dave
33 POS Tagger Shallow NP Parser Full Parser Section Tokenizer Document Classifier De-Identification Semantic Classification Concept Identification Annotation Tools Corpus Annotation Analysis Negation Relationship Identification Temporal Relations Local Terminology Development Tool Co-reference Resolution Word Sense Disambiguation Document / Section / Sentence/ Phrase Information Retrieval indexes Concept: value Identification Table Tokenization Figure/Caption Identification Document Summarization Multi-Document Summarization – Novelty Detection Anaphora Resolution Text Normalization (stemming) Spelling Suggestion Text Simplification Theme Detection Concordance Term Identification Template Detection Text-To-Structured Data GATE UIMA Knowtator NLP Standards An Ecosystem that includes