AB 32 and SB Implementation Process and Issues Presentation to Ventura County Civic Alliance Southern California Association of Governments October 22, 2008
AB 32 Basics Passed into law in 2006 First U.S. Greenhouse Gas law of its kind Commits the State to reduction in greenhouse gas emissions Empowers California Air Resources Board to put in place measures to achieve reductions
Reversing the Trends Yea r ARB Emissions Inventory 1990 Emission Baseline ~169 MMT CO2e Reduction 80% Reduction ~341 MMT CO2e
AB 32 Implementation Actions of Note State GHG Inventory Scoping Plan Contributing Reports, notably LUSCAT Report Vehicle efficiency standards (waiver issue) SB 375
LUSCAT Recommendations Funding for local/regional agencies Regional emissions targets Blueprint planning GHG Goals in Transportation Planning
Scoping Plan Draft Release June 26 Proposed Final Release October 15 Adoption prior to end of 2008 (December 11)
Scoping Plan Includes Portfolio of measures – 174 MTT/co2 equivalent Substantive details on engine/fuel/technology controls, affecting Measure for Regional Targets/Local Land Use Actions (VMT) Regional Targets originally set at 2 MMT/co2 equivalent Now set at 5 MMT/co2 equivalent
2004 California Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Sector Source: California Air Resources Board, Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory, November 2007
SB 375 Provides further, detailed instruction for transportation, land use Intent to reduce VMT for cars, light trucks Regional GHG emission reduction target Integrates planning activity at regional/sub-regional level Indirect effect on transportation funding, land use decision making
Sustainable Communities Strategy Land use and transportation strategy Regional or Sub-regional Integrated with on-going regional planning (RTP, RHNA) Achieves GHG reduction target “if feasible” Limited consistency requirement for subsequent action
Alternative Planning Strategy Land use and transportation strategy Regional or sub-regional Unconstrained Identifies funding, authority and other impediments to meeting the target
Other SB 375 Issues CEQA Streamlining Regional Housing Needs Assessment Impacts on transportation and land use planning
Other Climate Change Issues CEQA Federal Outlook Guidance
CEQA San Bernardino County Settlement SB 97 and OPR Guidance
Federal Outlook Massachusetts v. EPA (Clean Air Act) EPA mandatory reporting rule Likely Federal Legislation (Cap and Trade)
Guidance SCAG’s Regional Comprehensive Plan ICLEI, CCAR protocol development
Issues for Discussion How to “comply” with AB 32? What is the role of regional and sub- regional collaboration? What steps can locals take to be prepared?