CORNELL NOTES “Tell me and I forget, Show me and I remember, Involve me and I understand.” -Chinese Proverb
CORNELL NOTES Cornell Notes was created by a professor from Cornell University, almost 30 years ago!! This professor found that college students that took effective notes, were much more successful than students didn’t take effective notes.
Study only the important stuff…. CORNELL NOTES Study less often, gives you more time for other things….. More success in hard classes…. Cornell-style notes have been used in law schools for years….. …If it is great for law students, why not you?
Here’s how……… First, place you name, subject, topic, & date on the upper right hand of the paper Name Subject Topic Date
Second, fold your paper length wise 1/3 from the left side of the paper….. Name Subject Topic Date
Third, draw a line ¼ up from the bottom Name Subject Topic Date
It should now look like this…… Name Subject Topic Date
Name Subject Topic Date Begin taking notes on the right side of the folded line….. Title of Section, Important Details, Vocabulary, Main ideas, Figure or Graph information Pages , 214 The photosynthesis equation 6CO2+6H20 C6H12O6+6O2 Carbon dioxide + water sugars + oxygen Photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to convert h20 and co2 into glucose and oxygen. Plants use sugars to make starches They get CO2 from air or water Figure 8-4 Process- series of reactions (light dependent & calvin cycle)
Name Subject Topic Date Write a summary of the days lesson, what did you learn? In your own words!!! What did you learn in the reading, overall view. Pages , 214 The photosynthesis equation 6CO2+6H20 C6H12O6+6O2 Carbon dioxide + water sugars + oxygen Photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to convert h20 and co2 into glucose and oxygen. Plants use sugars to make starches They get CO2 from air or water Figure 8-4 Process- series of reactions (light dependent & calvin cycle) The photosynthesis equation and what is in words and by description
Then, lastly, that evening, write questions to your notes! Name Subject Topic Date Possible Questions that can be asked on tests, etc. The photosynthesis equation and what is in words and by description Pages , 214 The photosynthesis equation 6CO2+6H20 C6H12O6+6O2 Carbon dioxide + water sugars + oxygen Photosynthesis uses the energy of sunlight to convert h20 and co2 into glucose and oxygen. Plants use sugars to make starches They get CO2 from air or water Figure 8-4 Process- series of reactions (light dependent & calvin cycle) What is the equation for photosynth esis? What is photosynthes is? What do plants do with the products? What are the process behind photo.?
How to use your notes when studying for a test or quiz!!! First, read all of your summaries…..find the summaries That you know the least about, read the notes on that page! Second, when creating questions from your notes…try to think like a teacher….what questions would he/she ask on a test or quiz? Third, write a summary every time you take notes….this is where you will begin your studying
Good Luck!!! You may not get it right at the beginning, but like anything else, The more you practice the better you will be!!! YOUR ASSIGNMENT IS TO TAKE CORNELL NOTES ON SECTION 15.1 AND DUE NEXT TIME. I HAVE PROVIDED AN EXAMPLE FOR YOU TO USE AS A GUIDELINE.