November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live1 An Eye to the Future with a Brief Look at the Past Jack McCredie UC Berkeley November 7, 2005 Copyright John W. McCredie This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced material and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission of the author.
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live2 Good grief – not another geezer talk!!
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live3 Good grief – not another geezer talk!! Today’s goal IT Milestones & Innovations IT Challenges & Opportunities Discussion Fun
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live4
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live5 McCredie’s top five signs that it may be time to retire 1.You begin to lose focus
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live6
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live7
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live8
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live9 McCredie’s top five signs that it may be time to retire 1.You begin to lose focus 2.The freshman
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live10 McCredie’s top five signs that it may be time to retire 1.You begin to lose focus 2.The freshman 3.Realize that dogs really are more fun than computers
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live11
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live12 McCredie’s top five signs that it may be time to retire 1.You begin to lose focus 2.The freshman 3.Realize that dogs really are more fun than computers 4.Fantasies about chasing the Red Barron
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live13
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live14 McCredie’s top five signs that it may be time to retire 1.You begin to lose focus 2.The freshman 3.Realize that dogs really are more fun than computers 4.Fantasies about chasing the Red Barron 5.Spam
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live15 Two observations about IT in general
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live16 Planning is often poor and neglects unintended side effects
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live17
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live18
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live19
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live20 happens
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live21
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live22
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live23
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live24
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live25 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education ARPAnet
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live26 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education ARPAnet
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live27 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education ARPAnet UNIX
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live28 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education ARPAnet UNIX Vax & PCs => unmanaged decentralization
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live29 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education ARPAnet UNIX Vax & PCs => unmanaged decentralization Gopher, Mosaic and the Web
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live30 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education ARPAnet UNIX Vax & PCs => unmanaged decentralization Gopher, Mosaic and the Web National Supercomputer centers
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live31 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live32 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE ERPs
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live33 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE ERPs Entertainment
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live34 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE ERPs Entertainment Wireless
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live35 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE ERPs Entertainment Wireless Google
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live36 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE ERPs Entertainment Wireless Google Open source collaborations
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live37 Some previous IT milestones & innovations in higher education EDUCOM + CAUSE => EDUCAUSE ERPs Entertainment Wireless Google Open source collaborations Internet2/NLR/RONs
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live38 EDUCAUSE 2005 top IT issues in higher education Funding Security & identity management Administrative/ERP/ systems Strategic planning Infrastructure management Faculty development & support E-learning Governance, organization & leadership Enterprise portals Web systems & services
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live39 Opportunities & challenges Security & privacy
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live40 Opportunities & challenges Security & privacy Re-invent central IT organizations
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live41 Opportunities & challenges Security & privacy Re-invent central IT organizations Transform teaching & learning environments
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live42 Opportunities & challenges Security & privacy Re-invent central IT organizations Transform teaching & learning environments Governance & organization
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live43 Opportunities & challenges Collaboration & support technologies
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live44 Opportunities & challenges Collaboration & support technologies The flattening world
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live45 Opportunities & challenges Collaboration & support technologies The flattening world Open source
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live46 Opportunities & challenges Collaboration & support technologies The flattening world Open source Massive digitization
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live47 Opportunities & challenges Government regulations
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live48 Opportunities & challenges Government regulations Intellectual property rights
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live49 Opportunities & challenges Government regulations Intellectual property rights Competition from Google, Yahoo, et al
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live50 Opportunities & challenges Government regulations Intellectual property rights Competition from Google, Yahoo, et al Rationalize the national higher education networking environment
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live51 Questions and discussion
November 7, 2005EDUCAUSE Live52