Description Outdoor shrub commonly found in warm locations. Flowers can be pink or white all parts of this plant are poisonous to many different species e.g. cats, dogs, humans, horses and cattle.
Common signs of Oleander poisoning Nausea Drooling Vomiting Abnormal heart rate Cardiac arrhythmias Tremors Weakness Collapse death
Toxicity Oleanders contain a poison called Cardenolide Glycosides which is mostly contained in the sap it is clear to a slightly milky colour. When ingested in certain quantities it can cause harm and possibly death because it affects the heart. The toxins within these plants are similar to digitalis or digoxin, a common heart medication used in both human and veterinary medicine. When ingested it causes a mechanical reflex in the stomach which rejects and expels the substance.
Supportive treatments Activated charcoal Blood and urine tests Breathing support (oxygen) ECG (electrocardiogram) Fluids Gastric lavage Digoxin Immune Fab is the best way to cure an oleander poisoning if inducing vomiting has no or minimal success