387 BC Plato suggests that the brain controls our mental processes 335 BC Aristotle suggested that the heart controls our mental processes 1879 AD Wilhelm WundtWilhelm Wundt opens the first formal laboratory for psychology 1883 AD The first laboratory of psychology in America is established at Johns Hopkins University AD Sigmund Freud performs therapy in Vienna AD The American Psychological Association (APA) is founded.American Psychological Association
1896 AD Writings of William James and John Dewey bring about the school of thought known as FunctionalismFunctionalism 1893 AD Edward Titchener, former student of Wundt sets up laboratory at Cornell University. Develops Structuralism. Structuralism 1901 AD The British Psychological Society was founded.British Psychological Society 1906 AD Ivan Pavlov publishes the first studies on Classical Conditioning. Supports the Behaviorist approach to Psychology 1932 AD Jean Piaget publishes The Moral Judgment of Children. Supports the Cognitive approach to Psychology AD Carl Rogers publishes Counseling and Psychotherapy. Supports the Humanistic approach to Psychology
Considered the father of modern psychology, Wilhelm Wundt studied medicine in his native Germany before his interests began to lean more toward physiology and psychology. In 1875, he moved to Leipzig where he developed the first psychological laboratory and spent the next 46 years training psychologists and writing more than 54,000 written pages of research and theory. WILHELM WUNDT
EDWARD B. TITCHENER Edward Titchener was a student of Wilhelm Wundt who later opened his own lab in the United States. Titchener developed his own approach to psychology called Structuralism. Titchener relied on many of Wundt’s teachings, most importantly introspective. Introspective refers to one’s self-observation and reporting of conscious inner thoughts, desires and sensations. Structuralism argued that by using introspection you could determine the structure (parts) of our consciousness.
JOHN DEWEY WILLIAM JAMES Many psychologists argued that Structuralism was too difficult to study. How can we study just the mind? The Functionalist school of thought began teaching that psychology needs to study the entire process human action. This includes each part of the process: the function of the mind, the actions we take, and the reactions we have. Functionalists believed we needed to understand how all of these processes work together.