T HE PLAN Transform the current layout of St. John’s Home in order to “deinstitutionalize” the facility. Reconstruct the current building located on Highland Avenue. Build 20 Green House® homes around the Rochester Area. Provide a more enjoyable lifestyle for Elders within the community.
W HAT IS A G REEN HOUSE ®? Large ranch-style home that will be located within local communities. (The first Green House ® in Rochester will be located in Henrietta) Private bedrooms and bathrooms Dining area, kitchen and living room centrally located between the ten private bedrooms Approximately 8,000 sq. feet per house with 1 acre of land.
W HAT WILL THE NEW G REEN HOUSE ® L OOK LIKE ? Proposed Exterior of the first Rochester Green House ® Central “hearth” living and dining area
C HANGES FOR ELDERS Private rooms and bathrooms Ability to participate in daily activities such as cooking, caring for pets, ext. Living within a smaller community Eventually the goal is to allow elders to live within their home communities. (ex: If someone lived in Henrietta previously, they may be able to live in a Green House ® in Henrietta.)
C HANGES FOR STAFF Many of the staff jobs may become traveling jobs. Volunteer Coordinator Recreation According to a study conducted by the Institute for Clinical Outcomes Research and Health Management Strategies: Nursing staff spends approximately two less hours per day performing “non-nursing” related activities (food preparation, housekeeping, ext.) and instead spends this time giving direct care to elders. Results from prototype Green House ® facilities show a decrease in the staff turnover rate.
C HANGES FOR THE C OMMUNITY Provides local employment and services Provides volunteer opportunities for the local community Provides opportunities for elders to stay near their home community, neighborhoods and congregations
N EXT STEPS Within the next 5-7 years, St. John’s Home hopes to construct 20 Green Houses ® in Monroe County. Reconstruct the current set up of St. John’s into a multi-story Green House ® home. Total cost of the Green House ® Project: $55 million
R ESOURCES hns hnical_Assistance/Green_House/Effects_of_GH%20Nursing _Homes_on_Resident's_Families_2008.pdf GH_ResidentOutcomesJAGS_June07.pdf