Psi Chi/PSA Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Since We Last Saw You… St. Patrick’s Day Party at East Lansing Nursing Home
Volunteer with us! Haven House: Thursdays 6:30PM-8PM Wednesdays (no meetings) 6:30PM-8PM Boys and Girls Club: Fridays 3:30-5:00
More Stuff to Participate in! Executive Leadership Series Thurs, 3/29: Assessment/evaluation Mon, 4/9: Officer transition RSVP is necessary; your name, organization name, session date(s) and contact information to
Even more events! Resume Basics for Social Science Majors Thursday, March 29 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM 114 Berkey Hall Contact Contact Kristi Coleman, Field Career Consultant, College of Social Science at
T-Shirt news! Shirts are on sale tonight at the meeting and in the Undergraduate office every day for only $10.00!!!
News from the Undergraduate Office Schedule your advising appointment to decide which classes you should take next year! Go to and click on Undergradate Program then Advising Scheduling System to log in and reserve your appointment with one of our fabulous advisors! Go check out the new listing of scholarships from all over the country in the office, maybe you can find one that fits your needs! Enroll for summer classes! Seniors can start enrolling on March 16!
Semester Schedule April 11: Elections
Inductions!! Have you been invited to join Psi Chi? Have you paid your dues? Then you’ll be invited to participate in our inductions ceremony!! Save the date! April 15, 2007!!
Check out our website! Any suggestions? Becky at
For next meeting… If you want to run for office, please BOTH Becky AND Janna Both addresses are on the website as All positions are YEAR-LONG commitments! Officers must be at 80% of meetings! Holding an officer position looks great on resumes and graduate school applications! You can take part in your organization! Make changes you want to make! Introduce new activities you want to do!
Psi Chi Co-Presidents Two will be elected MUST be a member of Psi Chi or being inducted this spring Responsibilities: Plan and organize meetings Delegate responsibilities to other members of the e-board Answer questions from group members Be present at 95% of group meetings and e- board meetings Deal with situations that arise
PSA President Must be a member of PSA Responsibilities: Plan group activities outside of meetings Answer questions from group members about PSA PSA President has the freedom to plan fun activities and expand their group
Secretary Member of either Psi Chi or PSA Responsibilities: Keep attendance at all meetings Create any flyers or posters needed
Treasurer Member of either Psi Chi or PSA Responsibilities: Keep track of group account and expenses In charge of reimbursing from Psi Chi account money spent on group activities Deposit money collected from fund raisers into group account
Volunteer Coordinator Member of either Psi Chi or PSA Responsibilities: Make and maintain contact with organizations in the MSU and surrounding community Organize volunteer opportunities for members for every week Keep contact with members who have signed up to volunteer on certain days
Website Coordinator Member of either Psi Chi or PSA MUST have skills to create and maintain a website! None of us know how, so we can’t teach you! Responsibilities: Maintain current website Upload power point presentation from ever meeting onto website Make any changes requested to the website in a timely fashion
Just to reiterate… If you’re interested, see us after the meeting or just Janna and Becky!
Guest Speakers Race for the Place Ele’s Place The Listening Ear