Nursing Informatics 2016 showcase Joint activity of NI2016, IMIA-NI, HL7, IHE, HIMSS, ICN
Status Jan 2015 Go from HL7 PC, moving through the formal process in HL7 IHE, HIMSS, IMIA-NI, ICN formal partners / sponsors Volunteer event Workgroup emerging To do this morning
To discuss and agree Project core team – Joyce, Sandy, Emma, Laura, Anneke, Patrick, Nick, William ? – Any one missing? Project support team – HL7 nurses group – IMIA NI standardization group – IHE PCC group – Volunteers – Vendors – Missing??
Goal Engage nurses to use and refine clinical applications facilitating care, using interoperability standards during preparational connectathons and final showcase during the 13th international Nursing Informatics Conference June 25 to , Geneva, Switzerland.
Agreed Use existing standards and profiles Accept some minor gaps Add details to existing standards and profiles Create a use case scenario document Learn from existing experiences and connectathons / showcases Etc. see PSS
Ideas PCC profile, to be adjusted for purpose C-CDA care plan (as used in 2014) Storyboards for the flow of nursing data Content: basic patient, person, provider, professional, location data (as in most CDA and v3 and FHIR) Nursing content: vitals, assessment scales! Nursing content: care plan? Allow multiple standards to be applied (v3, CDA, FHIR, Services, etc) Devices can play a role Etc see PSS. Who makes the best use of EHR, standards, etc doctors or nurses? (cactus)
Now Which IHE profile to work from? February weekly conference calls for the profiling and the storyboarding Doodle poll for best date / time Project plan for the whole adventure Conference site requirements (Learning) objectives Next events to meet Marketing and communication