1 Rocks OBJECTIVE: SWBAT describe the processes that change one form of rock into another. HOMEWORK: Study notes (rock cycle)
Agenda PowerPoint Activity Rock Cycle Visualization Draw Rock Cycle in your notebook using crayons/colored pencils Activity 2- make sure you answer the questions at the end in your notebook Activity 3- Answer in your notebook
3 Warm-up Go to the Active Art Rock Cycle Activity Enter Web Code: cfp-1056 Click on the different arrows (pathways) and observe how the rock changes.
4Activities Activity I: Draw the Rock Cycle (Next slide) ES0602 – Move the cursor over the arrows and add the name of the rock-forming process to your rock cycle diagram ES0602 Activity II: Use this link on Interactive Rock Cycle Animation ES0602 Read and view the animations on step 1 & 2 looking for more detailES0602
The Rock Cycle
6 Activities Activity III: The Law of the Conservation of Matter: Matter may be neither created nor destroyed. A piece of matter may under go a CHANGE OF PHASE or may react chemically either within itself or with other matter, so it may not be recognizable in the same form, but the amount of matter does not change. ( Explain how this law applies to the rock cycle
7 Conclusion Using the rock above, create a sequence chart explaining how this rock could change to a metamorphic rock, then igneous and then back to sedimentary. Use these terms: erosion, heat, pressure, melting, volcanic activity #1