Lenape Ambassador Program Interest Meeting September 16, 2014
History Began school year Student-driven goals based on helping philosophy Ideas generated by all with majority vote on initiatives
Initial focus Supporting the transition to 7 th grade Helping alleviate the stress of 9 th grade assessment Working with students with special needs
Current subcommittees Summer Orientation Special Needs Beautification Service
Orientation Subcommittee Majority of the Ambassadors involved Approximately th graders attended this summer Feedback from 2013 prompted changes for this past summer Excellent feedback from attendees Goals – fun, reduce fear, inform
Special Needs Subcommittee Goal – have fun and develop relationships Mrs. Kramer, room 334: Split into two teams (A & B) on alternating Mondays Activities planned during after Committee meetings Mrs. Spiece, room 106: Passes for volunteer Ambassadors to take a friend and eat lunch with the class
Beautification Subcommittee Developed from the idea to have Lenape look more appealing and communication information Last summer many of the hallway candid picture were updated A Tribe Pride bulletin board was created across from the auditorium Goal is to celebrate the achievements/accomplishments of Lenape students as well as those connected to the “Lenape community”
Service Subcommittee Service to Greenleaf Nursing Home in town Play games with residents 1 st and 3 rd Tuesday of the month from 6-7 p.m. Opportunity for all to volunteer Sign up in guidance office
How it works Mrs. Schmon organizes meetings Rely on passes and Students are expected to attend and provide insight/ideas to the group Initiatives are voted on by group Students sign up to be part of Subcommittees, minimum of 1, maximum of 2 Follow up and follow through occurs after meetings
Do you have what it takes? Are you available? Are you in good academic standing? Are you responsible? Are you a helper? Are you a good communicator?
Lenape Ambassadors Genuine Inspires others Welcoming Encourage acceptance Pleasant demeanor Supportive in nature Good communicator Demonstrates maturity beyond her years Lends a helping hand Puts others first
Lenape Ambassadors Puts others first Mature and responsible Makes others smile Compassionate Excellent social skills Makes others feel welcome Respectful and attentive listener Easy to talk to Considerate of others Kind-hearted
Lenape Ambassadors Sunny disposition Generous with time and possessions Proud to serve Cares about all Sincere Eagerly meets new challenges Role model for others People person Kind and fair Deeply thoughtful
What to do next... Take an application today or pick one up in guidance Complete it thoughtfully Turn it in to guidance office by October 3, 2013 You’ll find out whose been selected by October 10, 2013 First New Ambassador meeting will be October 13, 2013 during resource and continue until 3:00 in the main office conference room