Becca Goslow- WMHS Frosilda Pushani- SHHS
Did You Know…? 2 Goslow-Pushani
Watch This! 3 Goslow-Pushani
Terms to know Antibiotic Resistance Escherichia coli Ampicillin Inhibition Zone Goslow-Pushani4
What is Antibiotic Resistance? Antibiotics are no longer an option. Bacteria takes over and becomes immune. Goslow-Pushani5
Escherichia coli 6 Goslow-Pushani
Ampicillin 7 Goslow-Pushani
Inhibition Zones 8 Goslow-Pushani
Overview Problem/Hypothesis. Materials/Procedure. Results/Statistics. Accept/Reject Hypothesis. Possible Improvements. 9Goslow-Pushani
Problem The effect of antibiotics on the growth of bacteria throughout generations. 10Goslow-Pushani
Hypothesis If Ampicillin is used, then the Escherichia coli will develop a resistance to the antibiotic. 11Goslow-Pushani
Materials 12 Blank Disks Ampicillin Sterile Swabs Petri Dishes Starter Plate (E. coli) Bunsen Burner Analytic Balance Incubators Goslow-Pushani
Values Goslow-Pushani13
Procedure 14 Goslow-Pushani
Procedure 15 Goslow-Pushani
Procedure sterile-vial-50/ pr Goslow-Pushani
Procedure Goslow-Pushani
Procedure 18Goslow-Pushani
Procedure (A+B+C) ÷ 3 = Size of an inhibition zone. 19Goslow-Pushani
Resistance E. coli. Ampicillin. Zone of Inhibition/ Resistance. 20Goslow-Pushani
Results 21Goslow-Pushani
Observations DateObservation 3/11/14 One Petri dish had a smaller inhibition zone from the rest. The E. coli was smelly and white. 3/13/14 The Petri dishes had a lot of E. coli, the bacteria was white and extremely smelly. 3/14/14The E. coli on some of the Petri dishes were blotchy. 3/18/14 The E. coli was smellier than usual and filled up every Petri dish completely, besides the zone of inhibition. 22Goslow-Pushani
Effect of Ampicillin 23Goslow-Pushani
Effect of Incubation Temperature 24Goslow-Pushani
Interaction Effect 25Goslow-Pushani
Outliers? 26Goslow-Pushani
Recap What we planned. What happened. Added Ampicillin to E. coli and incubated the petri dishes. The bacteria and inhibition zones grew. Overtime, the inhibitions decreased in size. The hypothesis was accepted! 29 Goslow-Pushani
Improvements for the Future Run more trials. Have a wider range of the predictor variables. Use of an actual human. Stop experimental flaws. 30Goslow-Pushani
Flaw and Human Errors Off temperatures. Off measurements of Ampicillin. Time issues. Goslow-Pushani31
Who does this effect? Chemists/Scientists Doctors YOU! Goslow-Pushani32
Save Your Life Do not take the antibiotics for viral infections. Take an antibiotic exactly as a healthcare provider tell you. Keep antibiotics to a minimum. 33Goslow-Pushani
Acknowledgements Mr. Acre Mr. Estapa Mrs. Gravel Veronica & Abigail Goslow-Pushani34
Works Cited 35 "Ampicillin Capsules." Ampicillin Capsules. Web. 28 May "Ampicillin Capsules: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings -" Ampicillin Capsules: Indications, Side Effects, Warnings - Web. 27 May "Antibiotic Resistance." Antibiotic Resistance. University of Utah Health Sciences, n.d. Web. 14 May "Antibiotic Resistance a Serious Threat." The Australian Government, n.d. Web. 10 May "Antibiotic Resistance Questions & Answers." Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 18 Dec Web. 10 May "Antibiotic Sensitivity Disks, Blank, Sterile, Vial 50." Science Supplies & Curriculum. Web. 28 May "Aseptic Technique." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 28 May "Capsule (pharmacy)." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 24 May Web. 28 May "Cultivation Equipment." : Out-Grow, Mushroom Growing Supplies & Quality Service. Web. 28 May Dzidic, Senka. "Antibiotic Resistance Mechanisms in Bacteria: Biochemical and Genetic Aspects." Food Technology and Biotechnology. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar Goslow-Pushani
Works Cited "E.coli Symptoms and Treatment." Health32Com Ecoli Symptoms and Treatment Comments.Web. 28 May "Evil E. Coli." Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica. Web. 28 May "HowStuffWorks.” "How Do Antibiotics Work?"" HowStuffWorks. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 May "International Water Research Alliance Saxony." Running Waters, Microbiology -. Web. 28 May "Media Prep." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 28 May Paphitou, Niki I. "Antimicrobial Resistance: Action to Combat the Rising Microbial Challenges.” International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar "Plate1A." Plate1A. Web. 27 May "Science Fair Projects - Bacteria resistance to antibiotics." Science Fair Projects - Bacteria resistance to antibiotics. All Science Fair Projects, n.d. Web. 14 May "The Science of Acne." The Science of Acne. Web. 28 May "Tag Archives: Amoxicillin." Harvey Millican Raising Your Kids Without Lowering Your IQ. Web. 28 May "The Threat of Antibiotic Resistance." YouTube. YouTube. Web. 28 May Todar, Kenneth. "Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics." Bacterial Resistance to Antibiotics. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 May Goslow-Pushani
Any Questions? 37Goslow-Pushani