Is Weather Becoming More Extreme? By Matt and Mazin
Major Storms Storms are predicted to become more frequent and intense with the increase of sulfate aerosols. The sulfate aerosols trap heat within the atmosphere and as such, the oceans heat up. Storms are known to draw their energy from the surrounding ocean. Because the oceans are heating up, storms and hurricanes will draw more energy from the oceans. Hurricanes Katrina, Rita and Wilma caused nearly $200 billion in damages altogether. That same year, sea levels rose, allowing the storms do draw more power from the oceans and making them more dangerous.
Rising Temperatures Temperatures around the world have been rising, the top 10 hottest years since 1880 until now have been 2010, 2005, 1998, 2013, 2003, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2007, 2004, of these have been within the past 10 years. Temperature has increased 1.5°F and is predicted to increase another 3 – 5.5°F in the next century.
Droughts and Floods The water cycle has been interrupted by the levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. With more carbon dioxide, the world heats up and water bodies evaporate. The evaporated water gets blown by the wind to other areas and concentrates there, causing severe weather and droughts.
Disasters Natural disasters have been increasing by around 50 disasters a year over the past 40 years. A large amount of these are linked to global warming.
Bibliography Freedman, Andrew. "Hurricanes Likely to Get Stronger & More Frequent: Study | Climate Central." Hurricanes Likely to Get Stronger & More Frequent: Study | Climate Central. Climate Central, 8 July Web. 23 Apr Walsh, Bryan. "Climate Change Could Make Hurricanes Stronger-and More Frequent |" Science Space Climate Change Could Make Hurricanes Strongerand More Frequent Comments. Time, 9 July Web. 23 Apr Hurricane Katrina in southern U.S. Digital image. Everyday Law. Rocket Lawyer, 31 Aug Web. 23 Apr NOAA National Climatic Data Center, State of the Climate: Global Analysis for Annual 2013, published online December 2013, retrieved on April 24, 2015