Acrostic A poem that is written around a word, usually the topic of the poem, such that the first letter of each line spells out that word.
Ballad A simple narrative folk poem with short stanzas that are suitable for singing and that tells a story.
Epic A long narrative poem that tells of a legendary hero’s deeds.
Free Verse A poem that is written without proper rules about form, rhyme, rhythm, or meter.
Sonnet A fourteen line poem in iambic pentameter with a prescribed rhyme scheme. It’s subject was traditionally love
Cinquain A poem in a metrical form or verse that has five lines.
Haiku This kind of Japanese seventeen-syllable poem is usually about nature. It is divided into three lines of five, seven, and five syllables.
Limerick A humorous five-line poem with A-A-B-B-A rhyme scheme. It is a very short but funny poem.
Diamante A poem that has seven lines The form is written about two opposite subjects and makes a comparison between them by moving form one another. Subjects might include war-peace, fire-ice, hot-cold,etc.
Ode A poem that you sing or is a poem honoring a specific person or subject that is written in a clear lyrical style.
Quatrain A four-line verse or poem that rhymes.
Concrete A poem in metrical form or verse in which the words and phrases are arranged on paper to capture and extend the meaning. Each line should be complete unit of thought.
Couplet A poem which has a pair of lines that are usually rhymed.
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